green pine trees near body of water under white clouds during daytime

Student Guide – Anti-Harassment Policy

December 10, 2021


The CLC Winter School is committed to providing a working, living and learning environment which gives equal opportunity to students, instructors and staff to participate in and enjoy the school. This supportive atmosphere must be based on mutual respect and be free from all forms of harassment and discrimination. The responsibility for creating and preserving a harassment free environment is a collective one.

Harassment violates two fundamental principles of the labour movement: human rights and solidarity. Sexual, racial, and other forms of harassment such as homophobia will not be tolerated. Harassment includes any behaviour which undermines the dignity or self-esteem of an individual or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment. Retaliation against an individual who has filed a complaint is also harassment. Complaints will be taken seriously and investigated immediately.

For the purposes of this policy, the definition of harassment is as follows:

Harassment is the expression of perceived power and superiority over another person or group, usually for reasons of sex, race, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, disability, family or marital status, social or economic class, political or religious affiliation, or language. Harassment is unwanted and uninvited; it may be verbal or physical; it is coercive, and can occur as a single incident or on a repeated basis. It includes actions, attitudes, language, bullying, or gestures which the harasser knows or reasonably ought to know are wrong. It includes comments, statements, slurs, jokes, and graffiti, including articles, pictures, and posters. Sexual harassment includes remarks, jokes, innuendos and taunts of a sexual nature; insulting gestures; the display of pornographic material; leering; demands for sexual favours; unnecessary physical conduct and physical assault.

If you believe you are being harassed, act immediately: If possible, make it clear you do not welcome such behaviour. You can do so either on your own, or with the assistance of another party. This may be done verbally or in writing. Indicate that you will take further action if the behaviour continues. If the inappropriate behaviour persists, approach one or both of the ombudspersons who will investigate the matter.


Each week, two instructors are Ombudspersons, and their names and contact information will be circulated at the beginning of each week of Winter School. Their role is to help students encountering problems at the school, and to help administer the school’s Anti-Harassment Policy. We want to make your education at the Winter School as enjoyable as possible. You are encouraged to discuss any issues or concerns with your instructors or with one of the Ombudspersons. They will keep your conversations confidential or direct your concerns through the appropriate channels.