I’m looking for information on young workers & their issues

June 26, 2015

What issues do young workers care about?

Young workers care about a whole host of issues from tuition fees, to health & safety, to climate change. The best way to figure out what young workers in your community care about is to go where they are, and listen to them. You might discover that young people in your community really worry about their ability to retire, or maybe they care about a co-worker who was unjustly fired from their job. Young workers are an incredibly diverse group – so make sure you’re out there asking lots of questions.

I need information on employing young workers.

Do you hire young people to work at your business? You might be wondering what the law says about what age young people have to be to get a job – or you might be wondering if you can pay student workers differently.

Because the laws are different in each province and territory, you have to look for the standards that apply where you live.

Click on your province for more information.

Alberta l British Columbia l Manitoba l New Brunswick l Newfoundland/Labrador l Northwest Territories l Nova Scotia l Nunavut l Ontario l Prince Edward Island l Quebec l Saskatchewan l Yukon