2841 Riverside Drive
Ottawa, Ontario K1V 8X7
Human Resources hr@clcctc.ca
Accounting Carol Sollows, Director
Education Jeff Atkinsons, Director
Human Rights Vicky Smallman, Director
Health, Safety & Environment Alex Callahan, Director
International Jocelyne Dubois, Director
Meetings and Events Laura Ziemba, Director
Political Action & Communications Brent Farrington, Director pac@clcctc.ca
Social & Economic Policy Chris Roberts, Director
Labour College of Canada Jeff Atkinsons, Registrar
Young Workers
Danielle Sampson dsampson@clcctc.ca
Representatives: Kelly Codner (NFLD) kcodner@clcctc.ca Mat Whynott (NS) mwhynott@clcctc.ca Serge Landry (NB & PEI) slandry@clcctc.ca
Heather Erlen herlen@clcctc.ca
Representatives: Cheryl Paron cparon@clcctc.ca Curt Martel cmartel@clcctc.ca Felicia Samuel fsamuel@clcctc.ca Kim Kent kkent@clcctc.ca Christopher Wilson cwilson@clcctc.ca
Deanna Ogle dogle@clcctc.ca
Representatives: Rashpal Sehmby (AB) rsehmby@clcctc.ca Ashlee Hicks (SK) ahicks@clcctc.ca Geoff Bergen (MB) gbergen@clcctc.ca
Orion Irvine oirvine@clcctc.ca
Representatives: Amandeep Nijjar anijjar@clcctc.ca Carlos Carvalho ccarvalho@clcctc.ca Kyra Sekhon ksekhon@clcctc.ca