Jobs, Economy and Environment


April 4, 2024
Bruske: If we make profitable corporations pay their fair share, government can help make life more affordable and deliver critical help workers and families need

OTTAWA––Bea Bruske, President of the Canadian Labour Congress, is available for comment on what workers are looking for in the upcoming federal budget.

“Powerful corporations do better than ever while families are forced to pay for the affordability crisis. The upcoming budget is an opportunity to deliver much-needed help and address these inequities,” explained Bruske. “We must invest in non-profit rental and social housing, to make homes affordable for every family. And the budget can take additional steps to make life more affordable, including cracking down on corporate price gouging and junk fees in banking.”

Bruske warned that Budget 2024 must also better support workers, including fixing Employment Insurance, improving pensions, and delivering better skills training.  

“As the unemployment rate continues to rise, we must make sure help is there for people when they need it most. After years of broken promises, the government must finally fix EI,” warned Bruske. “We must also prepare today’s workers for the low-carbon jobs of the future. This means investing in good sustainable union jobs, alongside better skills training and upskilling.”

Bruske added that if corporations are made to pay their fair share, government can afford to invest in help for people who are struggling.

“We can afford to improve the care economy, implement universal pharmacare, and invest in people. But only if we make the most profitable corporations pay their fair share,” concluded Bruske. “Budget 2024 is an opportunity to fight back against a vision of Canada where wealthy corporations get more tax giveaways, and deeper government spending cuts mean even less help for people who need it most.”

What:              Comment on workers’ expectations for Budget 2024

When:             By arrangement

Who:               Bea Bruske, President of the Canadian Labour Congress


To arrange an interview, please contact:

CLC Media Relations / 613-526-7426

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