Canada’s unions stand in solidarity with Co-op refinery workers
OTTAWA – Amid escalating tensions on the picket lines in Regina, including recent arrests, Canada’s unions are joining the growing chorus of support coming in from across the country. The Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) and Saskatchewan Federation of Labour (SFL) reaffirm their commitment to stand in solidarity with the workers.
“Canada’s unions know the sacrifice it takes for workers to stand against an unreasonable employer,” said CLC President Hassan Yussuff. “The arrest of Unifor Local 594 workers on the picket line, including Unifor President Jerry Dias, is unacceptable. It is time for this lockout to end.”
Following the nationwide call for solidarity by Unifor leadership, Canada’s labour movement is answering in support of all workers. The escalation of this labour dispute through the use of replacement workers and last night’s arrests, signal that it is time for this lockout to end.
“Here we have a wealthy and powerful employer who makes billions in profits annually, locking out workers over pension concessions. The disrespect and unreasonable demands need to end,” added SFL President Lori Johb. “We understand the Co-op Refinery workers’ frustration and want to reaffirm that our support will be steadfast and ongoing.”
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