Tag : Skilled trades

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Media Releases

Protecting Canada’s EV Opportunities 

June 24, 2024
Bruske: The consultations announced today should result in quick and decisive action to protect from unfair Chinese competition and create Canadian jobs in domestic EV supply chains.
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The world won’t wait for Canada to act

February 5, 2024
Pass the Sustainable Jobs Act now or risk future jobs and investments
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Media Releases

Canada’s unions release roadmap for workers to see a path forward in Canada’s changing economy

December 14, 2023
Bruske: This report offers decision-makers a blueprint to unlock the potential of Canada’s productive, skilled workforce.
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Media Releases

Canada’s unions release sustainable jobs blueprint

September 29, 2023
Bruske: Let’s equip workers with the tools and opportunities to create Canada’s sustainable economy
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Media Releases

Canada’s unions deliver clear priorities for federal airline relief package

March 28, 2020
OTTAWA – Today, Canada’s airline unions met with the Minister of Finance and Minister of Transportation to share the concerns of aviation industry workers and to provide solutions to ensure the sector’s viability. Chief among their priorities is to ensure that any federal financial aid package responds to the needs of workers still on the job as well as the…
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Media Releases

Canada’s unions join Unifor’s call to end 60-day lockout

February 3, 2020
OTTAWA – After a 60-day lockout of refinery workers in Regina that has included picket lines and arrests, Canada’s unions are calling for this lockout to end. The Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) and Saskatchewan Federation of Labour (SFL) reaffirmed their commitment and solidarity with Unifor Local 594 workers who are ready to bargain a fair deal. “The union has demonstrated…
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Media Releases

Canada’s unions stand in solidarity with Co-op refinery workers

January 21, 2020
OTTAWA – Amid escalating tensions on the picket lines in Regina, including recent arrests, Canada’s unions are joining the growing chorus of support coming in from across the country. The Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) and Saskatchewan Federation of Labour (SFL) reaffirm their commitment to stand in solidarity with the workers. “Canada’s unions know the sacrifice it takes for workers to…
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Canada’s unions stand with locked out steelworkers in Quebec

June 20, 2019
The Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) fully supports the United Steelworkers (USW) complaint against the Government of Quebec for violating international labour laws and severely impeding the rights of workers. One thousand members of USW have been locked out of their workplace at an aluminum smelter in Bécancour, Quebec for the past 17 months. Over the spring of 2019, Quebec’s Premier François…
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Jobs, Economy and Environment

March 21, 2019
Canadian workers are building the economy, but many working families cannot make ends meet. The labour movement works to change this, advocating for a range of policies. Unions bargain for better wages and benefits, helping workers and their families and creating a more just, prosperous and equitable society.
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