Workers with disabilities must help shape Canada’s Disability Inclusion Strategy
December 3, 2020
Canada’s unions are marking December 3 – the International Day for Persons with Disabilities –by calling on the federal government to include persons with disabilities in Canada’s economic recovery strategy. Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, Canada’s unions have collaborated with disability rights coalitions like the Include Me Campaign, to highlight the unique challenges and barriers faced by persons…
Canada’s unions stand in solidarity with the 2SLGBTQI community
June 1, 2020
Pride season is a time for communities to come together to celebrate, show solidarity and press for change. In the midst of this COVID-19 crisis, we have to acknowledge that this year’s Pride will look different, but the need for supportive, affirmative communities is greater than ever. As celebrations across the country are cancelled, rescheduled or shifted to digital platforms…
Canada’s unions call for targeted support for persons with disabilities
June 1, 2020
The Canadian Labour Congress is calling on the federal government to increase financial supports and targeted employment strategies for persons with disabilities as a key aspect of Canada’s economic recovery plan. Persons with disabilities – especially those living at the intersections of multiple marginalized identities – face high unemployment rates and high levels of poverty and need additional support during…
Canada’s Unions call for action against homophobia, transphobia and biphobia during COVID-19 crisis
May 17, 2020
On this International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia (IDAHOBIT), Canada’s unions are calling on the federal government to support 2SLGBTQI organizations struggling with the impacts of the current crisis. 2SLGBTQI peoples are more vulnerable to discrimination, violence, harassment and stigma on the basis of sexuality and gender identity right now. The lockdown makes it more difficult to find support…
Canada’s unions renew call for National Action Plan on Violence Against Women and Girls
April 29, 2020
As the country mourns the loss of twenty-two lives in last week’s horrific mass shooting in Nova Scotia, Canada’s unions are once again calling for a National Action Plan on Violence Against Women and Girls. Although there is still much we do not know about this tragedy, now the deadliest massacre in Canadian history, it has come to light that…
Canada’s unions join #VirtualDayofPink with a renewed call for solidarity against homophobia and transphobia
April 8, 2020
In 2020, we are celebrating International Day of Pink – a day to raise awareness and combat homophobic and transphobic bullying and harassment – in the context of a global pandemic. While many us are making sure that we #stayathome, we still need to be aware of the threat of homophobic and transphobic violence that persists online, at home, and…
On the International Transgender Day of Visibility, make sure no one is left behind
March 31, 2020
This year, on the International Transgender Day of Visibility, perhaps more than ever, it is important that allies celebrate trans lives loudly and clearly. While we are all struggling to make sense of the current crisis, we have to consider the most marginalized among us, who are always facing threats to their safety and security that the rest of us are now…
Canada’s unions call on party leaders to commit to Calls for Justice
October 4, 2019
Every year on October 4, Sisters in Spirit Vigils occur across Canada to honour the lives of missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls and Two-Spirit people. This October 4, Canada’s unions are echoing calls from Indigenous families, communities and organizations for the implementation of all 231 Calls for Justice from the final report of the National Inquiry into Missing and…
A historic step towards greater protections for workers around the world
June 21, 2019
Canada’s unions join workers everywhere in celebrating today’s historic adoption of a new International Labour Organization (ILO) Convention and Recommendation addressing violence and harassment in the world of work. After over a year of negotiations with governments, employers, and workers, the Centenary International Labour Conference adopted the new framework at its convention in Geneva. “It is a historic day,” said…
Time for Pride celebration, and resistance to attacks on human rights, say Canada’s unions
June 5, 2019
As Pride events are held in communities across the country, Canada’s unions are celebrating the achievements of LGBTQ2SI activism from coast to coast, while committing to challenging the rise of racism and hate politics threatening human rights around the world. “Pride season is an important moment to come together and celebrate the victories and visibility of LGBTQ2SI activism in our…