2016 CLC Women’s Summer School: course descriptions
Candidate development for women (new for 2016)
Are you a woman who has been elected in your local union, provincial, or community organization? Are you looking to increase your support base and engage a wider audience? Are you considering running in a municipal, provincial, or federal campaign? If you answered yes to these questions, then this course is for you!
This course is a next step for women leaders, designed to address the day to day challenges in the face of high stress campaigns. Participants will take away new ways of campaigning, strategic planning, and framing our message. By building on communication and presentation skills, participants will leave with the tools to best communicate their message in on camera interviews, face to face debates, and with new media.
Leading from strength: leadership development for indigenous and women of colour (new for 2016)
This course is a leadership training for indigenous women and women of colour advocates and activists at all levels. It offers union women an opportunity to develop and enhance their leadership skills, find their voice and ignite the spark to take on further challenges. Participants will build their knowledge in a variety of current and emerging labour issues, and explore ways of building their skills to become a candidate or support diverse, progressive women running for various levels of leadership.
Sisters in struggle
SIS is an ETFO women’s leadership course for women ETFO members who want to continue their union leadership journey through discussions and activities on mentoring, work-family balance, leadership styles, women and politics, and leadership planning. Registration is an application process through ETFO. Contact Kelly Hayes at khayes@etfo.org.
Transforming conflict for women
This course will provide participants with a tool kit of strategies, tactics and skills to resolve specific disputes as well as conflict in the workplace. The course focuses on mastering coaching and communication skills, investigative techniques, documenting facts, utilizing frameworks for analyzing disputes, problem solving strategies, evaluating options and identifying techniques to deal with systemic conflict.
WHSC instructor training (week 2)
Participants incorporate the adult educational techniques learned in Week 1 into the delivery of Level 1 Health and Safety program modules. Various forms of evaluation are used both by the practicing instructors and the program facilitator. The course wraps up with discussions about running health and safety programs, and using evaluations to ensure the training meets the needs of participants.
Women, work and ability
This course will explore key questions about what it means to be a woman – and a worker – with a disability. Participants will learn about how we define disability and about the types of disabilities people live with. They will examine what unions can do to help people and members with disabilities win accommodation and fair treatment in workplaces and in society. They will consider leading case law, understand the responsibilities of employers and unions and explore creative solutions to accommodation challenges. They will look at ways in which governments could help break down barriers and address poverty and exclusion of people with disabilities in Canada.
Women in leadership 1.0
Women make the union strong! Are you looking to make a difference for women in your union? This course offers union women an opportunity to develop and enhance their leadership skills, find their voice and ignite the spark to take on further challenges. Participants will build their knowledge in a variety of current and emerging labour issues, and explore ways of building their skills to become a candidate or support diverse, progressive women running for various levels of leadership.