The 29th Constitutional Convention of the Canadian Labour Congress will be held from Monday, May 4 to Friday, May 8, 2020 at the Vancouver Convention Centre. Stay tuned for details. In the meantime, take a look back at our last Convention.
The Canadian Labour Congress holds a Convention every 3 years. Local unions send delegates to the Convention with proposed resolutions they present to the floor. The resolutions are debated and policies are adopted.
At the end of the Convention the Congress develops an Action Plan based on the resolutions, committee reports and policies discussed amongst the members of the Labour movement. CLC officers are also elected by secret ballots during this week and serve a 3 year term.
This Action Plan is the basis of our work for the next three years. It provides a general guide to the activities of the Congress itself, the provincial and territorial federations of labour, local labour councils and affiliated unions.
Representation at Canadian Labour Congress Conventions, as well as the procedure for submitting policy resolutions, petitions, appeals and constitutional amendments are governed by Articles 10, 11, 12 and 23 of the CLC Constitution.
All organizations are encouraged to consider equity representation (women, Aboriginal workers, workers of colour, workers with disabilities, LGBT) and young workers (age 30 or younger) as part of their delegations.
The registration fee for each delegate is $400 (no fee is required for alternate delegates) and must be submitted along with the duplicate credential form (colour paper) no later than the deadline below. If additional credentials are required, we will provide them on request, provided the organization concerned is entitled.
The deadline for receiving resolutions is February 7, 2017.
Register early in order to facilitate convention planning, but credentials can be submitted until 5:00 pm on Wednesday, May 10, 2017. Delegates who want to receive an advance copy of the resolutions book must register by April 7, 2017.
Resolutions (in the proper format) may be sent one of two ways:
1. by mail (at the address below); or
2. electronically, via the special Convention portal (please see instructions in the Convention Call).
Credentials (including payment) should be mailed to the Canadian Labour Congress, Attention Convention Office, 2841 Riverside Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, K1V 8X7.
For more detailed information, see the full Convention Call.
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