Jobs, Economy and Environment

Earth Day 2024: Canada’s move to net-zero must have workers at its core

April 22, 2024

Canada’s unions were happy to see the Sustainable Jobs Act recently pass third reading in the House. The Sustainable Jobs Act says a net-zero economy should be built on well-paid and safe jobs with benefits and a union. In today’s rapidly changing climate, it’s workers who have the skills, knowledge, and expertise to shift to a sustainable economy for today’s workers and for future generations. The net-zero economy must be built to benefit workers. 

As we mark Earth Day on April 22, workers are on the frontline of extreme weather events, including drought, floods, forest fires, and more. They know firsthand the dire consequences facing their communities if our governments don’t address climate change. 

“Canada’s net-zero future must be built with good, unionized jobs,” says Bea Bruske, President of the Canadian Labour Congress. “Through the Sustainable Jobs Partnership Council and through real, tripartite action, we can ensure that sustainable jobs are good union jobs with decent pay and benefits to support families, communities, and the country as a whole.”  

“Through dedicated, worker-focused supports, as well as union-led, not for profit training and worker-centered regional economic development, change for the better is possible – but only if we act now,” said Larry Rousseau, Executive Vice-President of the CLC.  

“Workers are taking note of leaders who support their futures – and those who don’t. The Poilievre Conservatives fought tooth and nail against the Sustainable Jobs Act, proving yet again that they are no friend to workers,” said Bruske.

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