The Canadian Labour Congress is congratulating Secretary-Treasurer Barbara Byers on her appointment to the UN Women Executive Director’s Civil Society Advisory Group (CSAG) last month.
UN Women’s mandate focuses on five key priorities: increasing women’s leadership and participation, ending violence against women, engaging women in all aspects of peace and security processes, enhancing women’s economic empowerment and making gender equality central to national development planning and budgeting.
“It is a tremendous honour to be asked to join this group and I hope to continue to build on the work that’s already been done on these issues,” said Byers. “I know so many skilled, competent and energetic trade union women, so I take great pride in being able to represent them,” said Byers.
The CSAG brings together internationally renowned feminist leaders from women’s rights organizations, male gender equality networks, youth and LGBTQ groups, trade unions and media, and will play an advisory role to the UN Women Executive Director for the 2017-2019 term.
“It is important that the voices of women workers be heard, and it is important for unions to be part of this conversation. This group is made up of various representatives from civil society under the common goal of promoting gender equality and strengthening the international women’s movement,” said Byers.