CLC calls on government to fulfill electoral reform promise
October 24, 2016
Today, CLC President Hassan Yussuff joined with partners in the Every Voter Counts Alliance to call on the government to fulfill its promise on electoral reform and institute a made in Canada version of proportional representation.
“This is an opportunity to uphold the democratic principle of making every vote count. The only way to do that is through proportional representation,” said Yussuff.
Throughout the summer and fall, Labour activists have been attending electoral reform town hall meetings and appearing before the special committee on electoral reform to demonstrate support for proportional representation.
“No party should be able to get a majority of seats without a getting a majority of the votes. The number of seats a party receives in the House of Commons should correlate to that party’s share of the popular vote. It’s not complicated, It’s just fair.”
After the hearings have concluded, the committee will begin its deliberations towards a recommendation to the government.
Hassan Yussuff was joined at the press conference by Katelynn Northam from Leadnow, Farhat Rehman from the Canadian Council of Muslim Women and Annie Bérubé from Équiterre.