Labour Day: A time to celebrate how Canada’s unions make fairness work for everyone

September 2, 2016

This Labour Day, Canada’s unions are launching a new site,, and three compelling online videos to showcase the ways unions are improving the day-to-day lives of all Canadians.

“We have a long, proud history of winning changes that improve workers’ lives, and this Labour Day we are celebrating and showcasing ways we are making a difference to all Canadians today,” said CLC president Hassan Yussuff.

The videos released today focus on how Canada’s unions are campaigning for a ban on asbestos, winning stronger public pensions, making working life better for everyone.

Yussuff says that as a former mechanic who was exposed to asbestos, he is especially proud of the work Canada’s unions are doing to win a comprehensive ban on asbestos in Canada.

“Many Canadians don’t know where asbestos is in their own communities, or that imports of asbestos-containing products are on the rise, and that puts all of us at risk. Winning a full ban will mean making workplaces and public spaces safer for everyone,” he said.

Unions are also celebrating the success of a multi-year campaign for a stronger Canada Pension Plan, something the federal government has promised will be legislated this fall.

“Most union members have workplace pensions, but more than eleven million Canadians don’t, and we all have a responsibility to work to end future seniors’ poverty. Improving the CPP will benefit younger Canadians most, especially in a job market where secure, stable jobs are hard to come by. That’s why we have campaigned so hard and so long to win this,” said Yussuff.

Supporting the creation of new, good jobs and making existing jobs better is another example of how unions are improving Canadians’ lives today, says Yussuff.

“Too many workers are caught in low-wage, part-time and insecure jobs, without access to basic social benefits like sick leave, let alone pensions and other benefits. That’s why we are working hard to make existing jobs better, for example, by campaigning for a $15 minimum wage,” said Yussuff.

Visit to see the videos.