Tag : Death and Injury at Work

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Media Releases

On Injured Workers Day, Canada’s unions say: safe work now!

May 31, 2024
June 1st is Injured Workers Day. Far too many workers continue to be injured on the job – many in critical, life-changing ways. According to the Association of Workers Compensation Boards of Canada, an astounding 348,747 lost time claims were made in 2022, the last year for which complete data is available. Shockingly, this number doesn’t even count those who…
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Media Releases

20 years after its passing, Canada’s unions demand enforcement of the Westray Law 

May 9, 2024
On May 9th, 1992, 26 workers at the Westray mine in Pictou County, Nova Scotia were killed in an underground explosion as a result of callous, corporate disregard for health and safety laws.  “We remember the 26 miners who died 32 years ago because of what a judge called ‘a complex mosaic of actions, omissions, mistakes, incompetence, apathy, cynicism, stupidity,…
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Canada’s unions call for ‘Safe work now!’

April 26, 2024
As workers across the country prepare to mark the National Day of Mourning on April 28, Canada’s unions are calling on employers and governments to prioritize worker safety. This year’s demand for “Safe work now!” is a call to action for employers and governments to make work and workplaces truly safe spaces for all workers. “Too many workers are still…
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Canada’s unions: Negligent employers on notice with 3-year prison sentence

September 14, 2023
In a direct message to employers who fail to ensure the health and safety of workers, a supervisor has been handed a three-year prison sentence for his failure to follow the law.  In June of this year, the Court of King’s Bench found Jason King of New Brunswick-based Springhill Construction guilty of criminal negligence – “wonton and reckless disregard” –…
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Urgent action needed to end homophobic and transphobic violence at work

May 17, 2023
Gender-diverse workers in Canada are still facing disproportionately high rates of violence and harassment in the workplace. Canada’s unions are marking May 17, the international day against homophobia, transphobia, biphobia and intersexphobia by bringing attention to this pervasive problem. “All workers, regardless of their sexuality or gender identity, deserve to work free of violence and harassment. Unfortunately, this reality is…
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Never again: Canada’s unions mark 10 years since the Rana Plaza factory collapse

April 24, 2023
On April 24, workers in Bangladesh and across the globe will gather to mark the anniversary of the Rana Plaza garment factory collapse and mourn the loss of the more than 1,100 workers who were killed. Over 2,500 workers and their families continue to live with the aftermath of serious injuries sustained in one of the world’s worst industrial disasters.…
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Media Releases

Canada’s unions are celebrating Canada’s ratification of International Labour Organization Convention 190

January 30, 2023
Bruske: Workers deserve a safe workplace. This historic convention will establish the right to a world of work free from violence and harassment OTTAWA––C-190 is the first global treaty that acknowledges the universal right to a world of work free from violence and harassment, and establishes a clear framework for ending it. Once ratified, governments are accountable for preventing and…
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Honour Westray. Enforce the law.

May 9, 2022
May 9, 2022 marks the 30th anniversary of the Westray mine explosion that killed 26 miners in Pictou County, Nova Scotia. The fatal explosion was caused by a buildup of methane gas and coal dust. In the ensuing public inquiry, Justice Peter K. Richard uncovered “a complex mosaic of actions, omissions, mistakes, incompetence, apathy, cynicism, stupidity, and neglect.” Despite years…
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Making Global Supply Chains Safe for Workers: Nine Years after the Rana Plaza Collapse

April 24, 2022
April 24th marks the anniversary of one of the world’s worst and avoidable industrial accidents. Rana Plaza, in Dhaka, Bangladesh, was home to garment factories supplying international garment brands. When it collapsed, more than 1,100 garment workers were killed and another 2,500 workers were seriously injured. This tragedy has drawn global attention to the exploitation and dangerous health and safety conditions…
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Media Releases

Canadian workers to political leaders: it’s high time for paid sick leave

August 20, 2021
Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) President Bea Bruske welcomes the Liberal party’s election commitment to introduce 10 paid days of sick leave for workers falling under federal jurisdiction. Canada’s unions have been calling for paid sick leave from the earliest days of the pandemic. “Access to paid sick days reduces the spread of COVID and helps workers who keep our economy…
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