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Media Releases


May 1, 2024
Bruske: People want governments to remove obstacles to joining or forming a union. The best ticket to fairer wages and working conditions is a union card.
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Media Releases

Statement from Bea Bruske: Banning scab labour is about protecting workers’ rights

February 27, 2024
Ottawa – The labour movement gets to celebrate another victory today with the vote on Bill C-58, the legislation to ban the use of replacement workers. Canada’s unions are happy to see significant progress made on banning replacement workers, a crucial missing piece of Canada’s labour laws for decades. This was made possible by thousands of union activists across the…
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Media Releases

Canada’s unions release roadmap for workers to see a path forward in Canada’s changing economy

December 14, 2023
Bruske: This report offers decision-makers a blueprint to unlock the potential of Canada’s productive, skilled workforce.
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Media Releases

Canada’s unions welcome the federal government’s new advisory table giving a much-needed voice to workers

December 5, 2023
President Bea Bruske: It is crucial that governments listen to workers—they are the engine of our economy OTTAWA—Canada’s unions are pleased to see the federal government launch a Union-Led Advisory Table to help workers succeed in Canada’s economic future, announced today.  The Advisory Table will be chaired by Bea Bruske, President of the Canadian Labour Congress, and will include 15…
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Media Releases

Workers mobilize on the Hill to urge MPs to act as families continue to struggle

November 28, 2023
Bruske: Workers are calling on MPs for urgent action on pharmacare and two key pieces of legislation OTTAWA––Workers from across Canada took to Parliament Hill this week to urge the government to create a public, universal pharmacare system. “This government had a chance to show that they are serious about pharmacare, but we saw no mention of it in the…
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Media Releases

Families paying too high a price for tough economic times

November 21, 2023
Bruske: Fall Economic Statement made some progress on housing, but projects 150,000 more workers thrown out of work while we still wait for comprehensive action to fix EI
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Stop making those with the least bear the burden of tough economic times

November 20, 2023
Fiscal Update an opportunity to reply to Conservative ‘rage farming’ by delivering help to those who need it
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World Day for Decent Work: Workers’ contributions should be rewarded appropriately

October 7, 2023
Canada’s unions mark World Day for Decent Work by calling on the governments to invest in creating better jobs.
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Media Releases

Canada’s unions release sustainable jobs blueprint

September 29, 2023
Bruske: Let’s equip workers with the tools and opportunities to create Canada’s sustainable economy
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Media Releases

As Parliament returns, people feel the pain from high prices, a slowing economy

September 14, 2023
CLC President Bruske: MPs must get to work to help families and prepare our economy for the future
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