Catalogue of Workshops and Courses

Nothing builds strong unions like educated, empowered, and motivated union members. And nothing builds a powerful labour movement like bringing together union members from a diversity of workplaces, backgrounds, and activism to share information and ideas, discuss common concerns, and build friendships.

CLC’s courses and workshops are offered at regional and local schools, through webinars and can be delivered to provincial and territorial Federations of Labour, local Labour Councils, and CLC affiliated unions.

Many of the courses and workshops described in this catalogue can be adapted to a variety of lengths and modalities (in-person, online or webinar formats). All courses are designed and delivered in English. Some courses may be delivered in French.

Please complete the following form to request a course or workshop from the CLC’s Education team. If you are interested in a course but would like to chat with us first, please email to set up a call.

Please note that courses from the CLC Education team are available to affiliated unions, provincial/territorial Federations of Labour and Labour Councils only.

Union Skills and Knowledge

Collective Bargaining Level 1 (weeklong) leaves participants with a solid understanding of the bargaining process and the factors that affect collective bargaining. This course also introduces some of the laws and rules that structure the bargaining process and provides opportunities for hands-on practice and skills development in preparing for and negotiating parts of a collective agreement. 
Who this course is for: Union members who currently, or plan to, participate in the bargaining process.

Creating a Just Economy for Workers and their Families (weeklong) provides an overview of important economic issues like inflation to equip union members with the knowledge they need to refute incorrect (yet all-too-common) claims and begin thinking toward a more just economy.
Who is this course for: Union members and activists looking to better understand the economy and improve their communication skills around this issue.

Domestic Violence at Work: Training for Union Representatives (2 days) helps shop stewards, health and safety representatives and other union representatives gain a deeper understanding of the dynamics of domestic violence at work, and the role of the union and the employer in addressing it. Participants learn ways to best support members who may be experiencing domestic violence, including how to recognize and respond to the warning signs and risk factors, and how to connect members to support and services in the community. Union representatives will also leave with tools to build awareness in the workplace about domestic violence at work.  
Who this course is for: Experienced union representatives who work with members in workplaces.

Facing Management Effectively (weeklong) looks at the economic, political, and social forces at play between unions and management. It examines the roles and rights of each group and the different types of union/management relationships and styles. The course looks at the power, bias, and privilege dynamics between unions and management and how we can communicate effectively. The course focuses on problem solving – understanding issues, developing strategies, finding and presenting facts and argument, finding areas of agreement, building solutions, implementing and maintaining solutions. Participants can expect lots of interaction, and role-plays along with practical skills and tools for communication, analysis, strategy and critical thinking. 
Who this course is for: Union representatives who deal with management.

How to Record & Manage Meeting Minutes (90 minutes) is a workshop for anyone who has the responsibility of taking minutes or recording the proceedings at meetings and maintaining the official records of an organization.
Who this course is for: Recording Secretaries, Secretary-Treasurers, Officers and Executive members of unions, Labour Councils and any labour organization.

How to Run a Union Meeting (2 to 3 hours) is a workshop about how to plan, organize and lead a successful membership meeting. From setting the agenda, giving notice, and preparing the meeting space to managing the discussion and bringing the meeting to a successful conclusion, this workshop takes participants through the steps required to ensure their meetings are accessible, democratic, productive and fair. Part 1 (2 hours) focusses on planning, organizing and leading a meeting. Part 2 (1 hour) offers a deeper dive into parliamentary procedure and chairing a successful meeting.
Who this course is for: Union and Labour Council leaders, executive members, and committee members responsible for organizing, executing and chairing meetings large and small.

Mental Health in the Workplace (weeklong) is an introductory survey course that helps to raise participants awareness about mental health issues facing workers in today’s workplace. Activists will develop a range of strategies to specifically support, accommodate and represent members with mental health challenges at work. Participants look at the myths around mental illness, challenge stigma and explore what role the union can play in making our workplaces and unions more inclusive of members with psychological disabilities. Participants develop action plans to take on systemic factors affecting mental health through advocacy, bargaining and political action.  
Who this course is for: Union activists, stewards, committee members, local officers and union staff.

Steward Training Level 1 (weeklong) builds the skills, confidence, and knowledge a steward needs to represent their members. Participants will learn the roles and responsibilities of their position as stewards, the handling of grievances and complaints, problem solving skills, protecting contractual provisions in the collective agreement, and current issues for stewards. 
Who this course is for: New stewards or union members who wish to become stewards.

Steward Training Level 2 (weeklong) allows participants to practice more advanced grievance handling skills, using real life case studies and role plays. Participants discuss discipline grievances, harassment, drug and alcohol issues, and different styles of management. The course deals with procedures before the process of arbitration. Knowledge of the first stages of the grievance process will be assumed. 
Who this course is for: Chief stewards, business and assistant business managers, local officers, and stewards with considerable experience handling grievances.

Transforming Conflict into Union Solidarity (weeklong) approaches conflict in a novel way. It recognizes that conflict isn't always negative but that it is the outcome of the conflict that is negative or positive. The course teaches participants how to listen to people involved in a conflict, get to the root causes of a conflict, and how to coach people involved in a conflict to identify shared interests. Participants learn how to use those shared interests to help people involved in a conflict find solutions and turn the conflict and shared interests into union activism. 
Who this course is for: Union representatives, leaders, educators, organizers and other active union members.

Using Modern Tools to Talk with Your Members (weeklong) begins with an internal union communications audit, then teaches participants how to use a variety of communications tools to reach union members with the union's message. The course culminates with a custom internal communications plan. 
Who this course is for: All union members who wish to use a variety of communication tools.

Young Workers in Action (weeklong) is designed to give young union activists the skills they need to be effective in their workplace. The course covers public speaking, how meetings are run, how to read your contract, grievance handling, and the basic collective bargaining process. 
Who this course is for: Young workers and young union activists (age 35 years and under).

Leadership and Development

Black and Racialized Facilitator Training (weeklong)  is an interactive course designed to build the capacity of Black and racialized union facilitators. This training provides fundamental facilitation frameworks, as well as tools, tips and strategies for effectively training and leading groups. Through group practice and collaboration, participants will have the opportunity to hone their skills as trainers, while exploring some of the unique challenges faced by Black and racialized facilitators, emerging better equipped to lead meaningful discussions, navigate difficult conversations, and drive positive change within their unions.
Who this course is for? Black and racialized workers who are seeking to build skills in course/workshop facilitation.

Building Solidarity in Polarizing Times (2.5 days, 3 hours, 90 minutes) s a workshop that reinforces key learning found in the CLC weeklong course “Transforming Conflict into Union Solidarity”. Participants develop “solidarity skills” aimed at assessing, initiating and continuing conversations to address difficult topics. It focuses on having conversations about divisive topics, and will give union activists, leaders and staff new tools for finding ways to navigate through conflict, bridge the divide and move forward together.
Who this course is for: All workers who are in a leadership role in their union - elected leaders, stewards, activists, rank-and-file union members, and union staff.

Candidate Development for Women (weeklong) is a next step for women leaders, designed to address the real challenges women candidates face. It introduces ways to balance the day-to-day challenges in the face of high stress campaigns. Participants will take away new ways of campaigning, strategic planning, and framing our message. By building on communication and presentation skills, participants will leave with the tools to best communicate their message in on camera interviews, face to face debates, and with new media. 
Who this course is for: Women leaders.

Igniting the Spark (4 hours) can be a stand-alone workshop or part of a larger training program aimed to recruit, elect and support women running for elected offices in government or in other elected positions (e. g. unions, associations, school boards, band councils, etc.). This workshop helps women identify their personal inspiration and envision themselves making a difference in the political sphere. In this interactive workshop, participants explore ways of building on their own skills and drawing on their own experience.
Who this course is for: Potential candidates, community leaders, and activists who identify as women. 

Instructor/Facilitator Training (3-5 days) introduces participants to adult and popular education practices and facilitation techniques that focus on learning, action and inclusive movement building. Participants learn skills and knowledge required to facilitate short courses or workshops and adapt materials for a diversity of learning needs and styles. 
Who this course is for: Union members who wish to become instructors in their own union and/or be called upon by the CLC to deliver labour education courses in a variety of settings.

Parliamentary Procedure and Public Speaking (weeklong) is a two-part course. Parliamentary Procedure covers how to run a meeting effectively, the duties of a chairperson and secretary, and how rules of order can provide a democratic and fair process to accomplish union business. Public Speaking covers how to speak persuasively to various groups and how different formats are used to speak at convention, debates, and impromptu gatherings. 
Who this course is for: All union members.

Women in Leadership (weeklong) offers an opportunity to develop and enhance participants’ leadership skills and knowledge around current and emerging labour issues. A major component of the course will cover communication and motivational skills that are important for women activists. Participants will explore ways of building on their skills and drawing on their experiences as they advance along the path to leadership and consider running for an elected position or supporting others who run.
Who this course is for: Leaders who identify as women.

Organizing and Political Action

Workers Together 2025 Political Action Workshops

With so much at stake in the upcoming federal election, we’ve put together a suite of brand-new workshops to sharpen our skills to lead campaigns that put workers first. Dive into core issues, build strategies for the election, and align your union’s goals for the future.

The Issues and You (90 minutes) provides an overview of our core campaign issues to ensure a clear understanding to build confidence. Participants will work through how to read and use our message guides to push back on Conservative talking points on our key issues and how to reframe questions to suit our narrative.
Who is this course for? Union activists and members who want to feel comfortable talking about our key campaign issues.

Making our Campaign Strategy your Campaign Strategy (3 hours) uses our Workers Together campaign strategy as an example to solidify understanding of the key aspects of any successful strategy (goals, theory of change, audience, tactics, measurements of success, timelines). Participants will develop a framework for their own strategy that supports both the CLC's campaign and the goals of their union/labour council, while also considering the unique circumstances and perspectives of their membership.
Who is this course for? Union and/or labour council leaders, activists or staff that will be involved with leading campaigns.

Empowering Issue-Based Campaigners in Election Campaigns (3 hours) identifies and describes the differences between issue-based campaigns and election campaigns, and the volunteers involved in each. The workshop demonstrates various pathways to convert campaigners, and works with participants to identify which best suits their situation.
Who is this course for? Union and/or labour council leaders, activists or staff that will be involved with leading campaigns.

Playing by the Rules (90 minutes) clearly outlines Elections Canada rules for third party electioneering and how participants can and cannot engage with the election. The workshop also outlines CRTC rules for calling members. Participants will practice application of these rules through a variety of scenarios.
Who is this course for? Union and/or labour council leaders, activists or staff that will be involved with leading campaigns.

Tough Conversations (90 minutes) reviews the basic skills for navigating tough and frustrating conversations with members that disagree with us. This workshop, based on Building Solidarity in Polarizing Times, focuses on and provides practice space for navigating the most common tough questions during an election period, such as “Why are my dues going towards a political election campaign?” and “Why are we so partisan?”
Who is this course for? All workers who are in a leadership role in their union - elected leaders, stewards, activists, rank-and-file union members, and union staff.

Spending your Campaign Budget Effectively (90 minutes) shows participants how to stretch their campaign budgets and how to use them effectively while keeping third party electioneering rules and our campaign goals in mind, This workshop focuses on supporting on-the-ground activities and using modern tools, and is aimed at unions/labour councils with limited resources.
Who is this course for? Union and/or labour council leaders, activists or staff that will be involved with leading campaigns – particularly those with limited resources.

Grassroots Leadership in Action (2 hours) provides an overview of the importance and benefit of in-person organizing, with a focus on election readiness. Participants will develop their organizing and leadership skills with the aim of empowering them to host future in-person actions.
Who is this course for? All workers who are in a leadership role in their union - elected leaders, stewards, activists, rank-and-file union members, and union staff.

Human Rights, Equity and Inclusion

Challenging Anti-Black Racism (2 hours) is a primer for individuals to develop a basic understanding of anti-Black racism, as well as an understanding of the ways in which anti-Black racism manifests and impacts Black community members. Participants will explore ways to challenge anti-Black racism to better support Black members in the workplace and the union. 
Who this course is for:  Non-Black workers and allies.

Consent Culture (90 minutes) is built on the premise of grounding ourselves in an understanding of what consent/consent culture is. From here we can establish the building blocks that deepen our awareness of harassment, including sexual harassment. This short interactive session should be thought of as just one step in learning and talking about consent. It can be used as a “discussion starter” during the session and/or to introduce anti-harassment policies or codes of conduct within your union at a later date. 
Who this course is for:  All workers, especially union activists who are considering conversations about sexual harassment.

Islamophobia in the Workplace (90 minutes) is for individuals with little to no knowledge about Islamophobia at work and in the community. As a primer, this workshop is meant to facilitate the basics on Islamophobia and its manifestations in the workplace. The workshop inspires participants to learn more about the Muslim faith, Muslims and their unique needs in the workplace, and how they can contribute to making their workplaces more inclusive for Muslim workers. 
Who this course is for: Individuals with little to no knowledge about Islamophobia at work and in the community.

A Path to Reconciliation: Standing in Solidarity with Indigenous Peoples (3 days) is for allies, including non-Indigenous activists, to learn the history of Indigenous peoples of Turtle Island (North America). Facilitated by Indigenous labour activists, its purpose is to build meaningful, long-term relationships among Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples inside and outside of our workplaces, with the aim of acknowledging labour’s commitment to Truth and Reconciliation. This course supports the decolonization of Indigenous peoples and the increase of Indigenous peoples’ representation in our workplaces and in our unions. Participants do not need any previous experience and are encouraged to bring open minds and hearts. 
Who this course is for: Union staff, union representatives, stewards, leaders and others who engage with members or lobby or advocate for social and political change.

Pronouns: Fostering Inclusive Unions, Workplaces and Communities (90 minutes) is a virtual, introductory level workshop to help participants better understand why gender pronouns are important, how to use them, and how they can help foster inclusive unions, workplaces, and communities. The workshop includes a video component, two small breakout group discussions, and brainstorming activities.
Who this course is for: Union representatives, stewards and rank-and-file members.

Learn More or Request a Course or Workshop

CLC Education Department: | 613-520-1080