Workplace Health and Safety

Labour Day 2019: Unions seek to put fairness on the ballot

September 2, 2019

This Labour Day, Canada’s unions are launching a campaign to make fairness a ballot box question in the October federal election.

That means unions will be calling on Canadian workers to vote for candidates who support universal pharmacare, retirement security, climate action, equity and inclusion, and good jobs for everyone.

“Over the last four years, our work has resulted in impressive gains: expanding public pensions, protecting victims of domestic violence, investing billions in infrastructure projects, banning asbestos, and making pay equity the law,” said Hassan Yussuff, President of the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC).

“While these have been substantial victories, we are only getting started. Low wages, precarious work and underemployment continue to hurt too many Canadians; fear and insecurity are fueling racism and intolerance, and climate change threatens the survival of our planet.”

“We will do our part to mobilize Canadians to choose candidates who will make Canada more fair for workers and their families,” said Yussuff.

“We will be urging every candidate to commit to creating good jobs. We will be pushing the political parties for climate action for a sustainable planet. We will be challenging hate and divisiveness with equity and inclusion.”

By launching a national campaign, “A Fair Canada for Everyone”, the CLC will be working with labour councils, federations of labour and unions across the country to advance the issues at stake for workers and their families.

“Labour Day is a national reminder that workers can come together to improve workplaces and communities, so it is a fitting time to launch our election campaign for a fair Canada for everyone,” adds Yussuff.

To read details about what unions are calling for in this election, visit

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