Ending Discrimination

Pride 2024: No one left behind: Equality, freedom, and justice for all

June 1, 2024

For Pride 2024, Canada’s unions stand firm under the banner of “No One Left Behind: Equality, Freedom, and Justice for All.” In solidarity with our 2SLGBTQI+ siblings, we affirm our commitment to safeguarding the rights of 2SLGBTQI+ people and refusing any attempts to turn back the progress we’ve fought tirelessly to achieve.

2SLGBTQI+ workers are integral members of Canada’s labour movement, proudly serving as activists, shop stewards and leaders.

“Pride is a time to celebrate the gains that we’ve made, but it’s also a time to clearly state that we will defend these rights when they are put at risk. We’ve seen a sharp rise in hate-motivated harassment and violence against the 2SLGBTQI+ community, that is being driven by right-wing conservatives,” said Bea Bruske, President of the Canadian Labour Congress. “We have long recognized a collective responsibility to address discrimination and hate against 2SLGBTQI+ workers, by promoting equality at work and in our communities. So, while we have lots to celebrate this Pride season, we also have so much left to do.”

In the past year, conservative leaders have fomented a climate of hate, fear and loathing by perpetuating harmful queerphobic and transphobic stereotypes through legislated attacks against trans and gender-diverse children, youth and adults. As workers and families are coping with an affordability crisis, climate change and cuts to public services, Conservative politicians are using trans and gender-diverse children as political pawns to distract Canadians from their failure to offer real solutions. 

Their efforts are also supported by individuals and groups in the anti-gender movement, who use intimidation and harassment to undermine any efforts of businesses and institutions to foster inclusion, equity and safety for 2SLGBTQI+ people.

“Let us be unequivocal: anti-2SLGBTQI+ hate is a worker issue. The bigotry and violence directed at our 2SLGBTQI+ siblings jeopardize their fundamental human rights,” said Larry Rousseau, Executive Vice-President of the CLC. “And anti-2SLGBTQI+ hate often manifests as harassment and violence in workplaces, posing serious health and safety risks for workers. We need a unified response rooted in solidarity from all workers, regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation.”

Canada’s unions remain committed to our core principle: an injury to one is an injury to all. We stand resolute against any attempts by conservatives to erode our hard-won rights. We will continue to amplify the voices of 2SLGBTQI+ workers and tirelessly advocate for a Canada that is safe, just, and inclusive for all.

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