Net-zero law lays foundation for stronger climate action
July 2, 2021
Canada’s unions are welcoming the Canadian Net-Zero Emissions Accountability Act, which received royal assent and became law. This new law enshrines Canada’s commitment to reach net-zero emissions by 2050. It also provides a foundation to build on to ensure the country breaks its track record of having missed every climate target it has ever set. “This law provides a path…
Canada’s unions release detailed analysis of Budget 2021
April 30, 2021
On April 19, 2021 the federal government announced its first budget in two years. More than 12 months into a global pandemic and the accompanying economic shock, and in the midst of a devastating third wave of infections in Canada, this budget comes at a crucial time. The pandemic has forced Canadians to confront stark realities and profound shortcomings in our…
Canada’s unions applaud Supreme Court decision upholding federal carbon pricing
March 25, 2021
Canada’s unions welcome today’s Supreme Court ruling confirming the constitutionality of the federal carbon pricing backstop. The constitutionality of the federal Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act (GGPPA) had been challenged by the provinces of Ontario and Saskatchewan. The Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) was an intervener in these appeals. “Today’s ruling by the Supreme Court of Canada is an important win…
Canada’s unions welcome federal government commitments on climate change
December 11, 2020
OTTAWA – Coming on the heels of the government’s climate accountability legislation, today’s 2030 climate emissions reduction plan contains significant announcements for working people. Expanded investments in energy efficiency, conservation and large-scale retrofitting of residential and commercial structures will create significant numbers of new jobs and require expanded investments in skills training and growing Canada’s construction trades. Green and climate-resilient…
Canada’s unions say slowing job recovery necessitates urgent government intervention
November 6, 2020
Canada’s job growth is showing signs of slowdown and Canada’s unions are calling on the federal government to quickly lay out its plan to stem long-term unemployment. The latest figures from this morning’s release of Statistics Canada’s Labour Force Survey demonstrates a weakening jobs rebound. The survey showed a slowing recovery, with employment rising just 0.5 percent in October, a…
Canada’s workers engage MPs during first-ever Virtual Action Week
November 5, 2020
By Hassan Yussuff, as published in National Newswatch On any given day of a normal year, Parliament Hill is buzzing with people lobbying elected representatives. According to the federal government’s lobbying commissioner, there were 18,728 monthly communications reports submitted in 2019 20. Those communications reports were generated in large part by paid, registered lobbyists working with large corporations. This year,…
People from across Canada will be lobbying MPs next week, in the first large-scale virtual lobbying event since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic exposed deep disparities and vulnerabilities in our economy and society. It has also radically changed the lives of people across Canada. Workers want the federal government to disaster-proof the economy by committing to investments…
The COVID-19 pandemic exposed the vulnerability of Canada’s care system. On October 29, Canada’s unions are joining together the International Trade Union Confederation and global unions for a Global Day of Action on Care. Workers around the world want investment in public health and care services including mental health, child care, early childhood education, elderly care and other social care…
Canada is in the midst of an economic crisis that has disproportionately affected low-paid, vulnerable workers in precarious employment, especially women, young workers, newcomers, workers of colour and workers with disabilities. Federal fiscal policy measures must prioritize helping Canadians return to decent jobs. This means expanding access to training and apprenticeship opportunities. Canada’s unions believe the federal government should use…
This year marks the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. Like most things, Earth Day will look very different this year, as events move online as people around the world avoid gathering in groups in an effort to stem the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. In this unprecedented health and economic crisis brought on by the pandemic, nature has the power…