Earth Day 2024: Canada’s move to net-zero must have workers at its core
April 22, 2024
Canada’s unions were happy to see the Sustainable Jobs Act recently pass third reading in the House. The Sustainable Jobs Act says a net-zero economy should be built on well-paid and safe jobs with benefits and a union. In today’s rapidly changing climate, it’s workers who have the skills, knowledge, and expertise to shift to a sustainable economy for today’s… …
Statement from Bea Bruske: Poilievre’s Conservatives blocking priority bills for workers
December 14, 2023
OTTAWA––Bea Bruske, President of the Canadian Labour Congress, released the following statement: “Canada’s unions are outraged by the political games on display in Parliament this week as opposition leader Pierre Poilievre and his Conservative Party use procedural tactics to delay, derail, and ultimately block critical pieces of legislation designed to benefit workers across Canada. The Sustainable Jobs Act (Bill C-50)… …
Workers mobilize on the Hill to urge MPs to act as families continue to struggle
November 28, 2023
Bruske: Workers are calling on MPs for urgent action on pharmacare and two key pieces of legislation OTTAWA––Workers from across Canada took to Parliament Hill this week to urge the government to create a public, universal pharmacare system. “This government had a chance to show that they are serious about pharmacare, but we saw no mention of it in the… …
Government, workers and businesses must come together to win the low-carbon economic transition
October 11, 2023
By Bea Bruske, President of the Canadian Labour Congress as published in iPolitics Today Canada faces a once-in-generation economic, environmental, and political challenge, and we won’t get a second chance to get this right. Our neighbour and biggest trading partner is aggressively adapting their workforces and industries. Countries around the world are accelerating their transition to a zero-carbon economy. If… …
Bruske: How Canada can create sustainable jobs as we shift to a low-carbon future
June 19, 2023
By Bea Bruske, President of the Canadian Labour Congress as published in the Ottawa Citizen Bill C-50, just tabled, provides a roadmap toward making Canada’s economy competitive for years to come. “On a global scale, clean energy investment has surpassed spending on oil and gas for the first time.” From raging wildfires to extreme storms, each day brings stark reminders… …
Earth Day 2023: Canada’s unions call on governments to put workers and communities first
April 21, 2023
This year’s Earth Day theme, Invest in Our Planet, is a timely reminder of the need for our elected leaders to take ambitious and necessary action to tackle the climate emergency. Canada’s unions are calling on the government to move towards a net-zero carbon economy with workers and communities at its core. As communities across the country and around the… …
Canada’s unions on COP27: Some wins, but we have our work cut out for us
November 21, 2022
The COP27 negotiations in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, delivered some important wins but highlighted that, more than ever, the world needs a Just Transition. Canada’s unions are pleased that the Sharm El-Sheikh Implementation Plan emphasizes the need for a Just Transition to centre social dialogue and include social protection. This is a significant step forward that recognizes the importance of engaging… …
Labour 20 recommendations to G20 Labour and Employment Ministers
September 14, 2022
In advance of a meeting of the G20 Labour and Employment Ministers held in Bali, Indonesia on September 14, 2022, the Labour 20, or L20, laid out a series of recommendations to Ministers. The L20 represents trade unions from G20 countries and global unions. The group called on Ministers to lay the foundation of a new social contract and take… …