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Media Releases

Governments must help families facing economic precipice

July 28, 2022
Bruske: Mounting evidence of low-income families at grave risk from inflation crisis must be wake-up call to all levels of government OTTAWA––Canada’s unions are calling on Canada’s governments to take immediate action to increase supports for low-income people as evidence mounts of a growing number of families unable to afford skyrocketing housing, energy and food costs. “So many are struggling…
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Media Releases

Canada’s unions welcome today’s B.C. court’s decision in Cambie case

July 15, 2022
Bruske: Now is the time to strengthen our public health care system OTTAWA –Canada’s unions are celebrating today’s decision from the BC Court of Appeal in the Cambie Surgeries Corporation (CSC) case. Protecting and strengthening our public health care system is critical, especially with the current crisis in health care across our country. Today’s decision by the court upholds the…
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Media Releases

Canada’s unions welcome Premiers’ call for more federal health investment – but demand greater accountability

July 12, 2022
VICTORIA––Canada’s unions welcomed the Council of the Federation’s call for increased federal health transfers but Bea Bruske, President of the Canadian Labour Congress, warned Canada’s premiers that new funding must take action to fix the health worker crisis and improve patient access and care. “Canada’s health care workers are looking at yet another summer without a break as terrible staffing…
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Media Advisories

Canada’s unions to engage Premiers at the Council of the Federation on strengthening public health care

July 7, 2022
OTTAWA––Bea Bruske, President of the Canadian Labour Congress, will be available to talk about next week’s Council of the Federation meetings, which will be focused on health care. “Extreme staffing shortages and years of chronic underfunding are placing an unbearable strain on health workers and putting our public health care system at risk,” said Bruske. “Canada’s unions will be in…
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Media Releases

Bea Bruske: John Horgan is a true friend to working people

June 28, 2022
OTTAWA––Bea Bruske, President of the Canadian Labour Congress, released the following statement: “Canada’s unions thank John Horgan for being a true friend of working people, in B.C. and across Canada. His leadership will be greatly missed. “John never forgot his own working-class roots and led a labour-friendly government that delivered for working people. Whether it was saving lives through enacting…
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Media Releases

Bea Bruske: Canada’s unions express solidarity and demand action on reproductive rights

June 24, 2022
OTTAWA–– Bea Bruske, President of the Canadian Labour Congress, released the following statement: “Today, the Supreme Court of the United States delivered a devastating decision to overturn the landmark precedent set 50 years ago in Roe v. Wade. The decision to rule against the constitutional right to access safe and legal abortion care jeopardizes the reproductive rights of millions of…
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Media Releases

Canada’s unions: Urgent action needed to help families through the inflation crisis

June 16, 2022
OTTAWA – Day-to-day prices on essentials are surging, interest rates soaring and rents are reaching record levels. Meanwhile, wages are still lagging far behind inflation. Canada’s unions are urging Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Chrystia Freeland to announce new measures today to make sure millions of vulnerable workers and their families aren’t left behind by the worsening inflation…
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Media Releases

Canada’s unions welcome cross-party collaboration on the Pension Protection Act – Bill C-228

June 14, 2022
OTTAWA – Canada’s unions welcome the cross-party collaboration of New Democrat, Bloc and Conservative MPs, who are moving forward key legislation to put workers at the front-of-the-line and protect their pensions when it comes to commercial bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings. “Pensions are a deferred pay cheque. Workers have put in their hours, their hard work, and have earned those pensions.…
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Media Releases

Canada’s unions celebrate B.C. card check law to empower workers

June 2, 2022
Bruske: It’s about fairness. Premier Horgan’s government enacts critical law to support working people VICTORIA, B.C. – Canada’s unions celebrate an important milestone today as a new law in British Columbia, to return automatic certification to the province, received royal assent. Bea Bruske, President of the Canadian Labour Congress, was in the B.C. legislature to witness the legislation becoming law.…
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Media Releases

Canada’s unions welcome disability benefit bill

June 2, 2022
Bruske: Now let’s get this bill passed quickly – and help end disability poverty OTTAWA – Canada’s unions welcome today’s re-introduction of a bill to implement the Canada Disability Benefit by Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion, Carla Qualtrough. “The Canada Disability Benefit will provide critical support for people living with disabilities. Designed properly, this benefit could lift hundreds of…
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Community Events

2022 Pride Festivities Across Canada

May 27, 2022
Over the next few months, Canada’s unions will join others in communities across Canada to celebrate Pride and support LGBTQ2SI equality and justice. Show your support at an event near you. This is an evolving list. Please check event websites for full details. Note: event information is not always available in both official languages. Do you have an event to add…
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Media Releases

Canadians can’t afford for-profit long-term care

May 19, 2022
Bruske: It’s time to get the profit out of care OTTAWA –– A new report shows billions of dollars in public funds for long-term care have been diverted from patient care into the pockets of shareholders. Canada’s unions call on the federal government to make long-term care part of Canada’s public health care system. “This report is brutal evidence of…
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Media Releases

Conservatives refuse to talk lagging wages instead push low-wage austerity agenda

May 16, 2022
Bruske: As wages lag far behind inflation, Conservative leadership candidates ignore struggling workers. OTTAWA – Canada’s unions are shining a spotlight on how the Conservative Party is missing in action when it comes to standing up for workers who are seeing their buying power shrink as their wages rise at half the rate of inflation. “Workers are worried about how…
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Media Releases

Bruske to German Chancellor and the G7: Turn from ambition to action on climate and just transition

May 11, 2022
Bruske: We must not trade good jobs for low-quality, precarious work as we accelerate progress on tackling the climate crisis BERLIN – Today in Germany, Bea Bruske delivered a strong message from international labour leaders to German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, President of the G7. “When it comes to building a plan to decarbonize every sector of our economies, it is…
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Community Events

Action Network Basics Training

May 11, 2022
Registration for this event is now closed. If you are interested in learning more about upcoming training opportunities, please click here to learn more. Action Network Basics is a series of sessions that focus on setting you up to become a pro with digital tools. This in-person and hands-on training allows you to explore the program’s basic functions to help…
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Media Releases

Turn minimum wages into living wages and index to inflation

May 6, 2022
Bruske: StatCan numbers show markets aren’t delivering fair wages – governments must take action OTTAWA – With the cost of living still rising while wages lag far behind, today’s Statistics Canada Labour Force Survey shows that low unemployment numbers don’t mean workers are seeing positive changes to their paycheques. According to Bea Bruske, President of the Canadian Labour Congress, there…
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Media Advisories

Workers welcome wins in budget bill

May 2, 2022
Bruske: Canada’s unions welcome progress on key issues, but there’s more work to do on implementing 10 days of paid sick leave OTTAWA –– Canada’s unions welcomed progress in today’s Budget Implementation Act on a number of vital issues the labour movement has long pushed for but were disappointed with new delays and restrictions implementing the new paid sick leave…
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Media Releases

Canada’s unions celebrate end to discriminatory blood donation policy

April 28, 2022
Bruske: Long-awaited victory for 2SLGBTQI advocates OTTAWA –– After waiting three decades, Canada’s unions welcome today’s decision by the Canadian government to reverse its discriminatory blood donation policy, which had been in place since 1992.    “This is a positive step in addressing ongoing systemic discrimination experienced by 2SLGBTQI people,” said Bea Bruske, President of the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC). …
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Media Releases

Building a low-wage economy with stomach-churning greed

April 26, 2022
Bruske: Minimum wage employees being replaced by offshore workers making $3.75 an hour will hurt workers everywhere OTTAWA –– Replacing frontline workers with exploited offshore workers, as the restaurant chain Freshii is now doing, moves us towards a low-wage economy that weakens our communities and exploits workers, according to Bea Bruske, President of the Canadian Labour Congress. “This is about replacing…
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Media Releases

Helping families facing affordability squeeze must be MPs’ job one

April 25, 2022
Bruske: As Parliament returns, Canada’s unions urge MPs to back workers and reject the push for a low-wage austerity agenda OTTAWA –– The highest inflation in over three decades plus the largest interest rate rise in over twenty years adds up to families falling further behind. Figures released last week revealed that inflation now stands at 6.7 percent, and rising,…
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Media Releases

Government must not break their promise and leave Canadians paying sky-high drug costs

April 14, 2022
Canada’s unions are troubled about the government’s decision late today, to reverse course on changes to patented drug regulations, potentially forcing Canadian families to pay billions more for needed medicines. “We are calling on the government: don’t break your promise to Canadians. We can’t count on big pharmaceutical corporations to stand up for Canadians, that’s the job of our governments,”…
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Media Releases

Rising interest rates and record inflation creating perfect storm of unaffordability

April 13, 2022
Bruske: With the cost of everything – even debt – rising fast, we must fight low-wage policies that hurt workers and their families OTTAWA – With fast rising interest rates and inflation increasing well ahead of wages, Canada’s unions are urging governments to take action to help families facing an ever‑tightening financial squeeze. Bea Bruske, President of the Canadian Labour…
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Community Events

Day of Mourning Ceremonies 2022

April 12, 2022
April 28th is the labour movement’s most solemn day, but also one to refocus our commitment to prevent future workplace injuries and deaths. Every year, thousands of workers, friends and families of fallen workers gather at ceremonies across Canada to recognize the National Day of Mourning for workers killed or injured on the job. This year, we will gather in…
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Media Releases

Budget 2022: Progress on building a new and better normal

April 7, 2022
Bruske: Federal budget shows that when parties work together, everyday people benefit OTTAWA – Canada’s unions welcomed today’s investments in making life more affordable for workers and their families, including through action on dental care, affordable housing and fairer taxation. But Bea Bruske, President of the Canadian Labour Congress said that progress is hard-fought and we must be ready for…
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Media Advisories

BC government move to card check certification a win for workers

April 6, 2022
Canada’s unions welcome today’s move by the BC government to return to automatic certification in the province. “The switch from automatic certification to mandatory voting has coincided with the decline in unionization rates. This is no accident,” said Bea Bruske, President of the Canadian Labour Congress. “We need to see more government action to empower workers. Having a union and…
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Canada at an Economic Crossroads: A Better Normal or Settling for Worse?

April 6, 2022
By Bea Bruske, as published in National Newswatch With the federal budget just a day away, Bay St. CEOs and senior bankers are stumbling over themselves, rushing to declare mission accomplished and claim the economic crisis is over. They are determined to fill up Canada’s opinion pages with arguments urging the government that it’s time to go back to normal.…
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Community Events

Top 10 things unions and working people are looking for in Budget 2022

April 4, 2022
  OTTAWA – Canada’s unions are calling on the federal government to focus on the country’s economic recovery and social safety net in its budget to be released Thursday, prioritizing ten key demands. “The reality is, not everyone is sharing in the economic recovery,” said Bea Bruske, President of the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC). “Many families are still facing enormous…
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Media Advisories

Canadian Labour Congress’ President Bea Bruske available to react to Budget 2022

March 31, 2022
OTTAWA – Bea Bruske, President of the Canadian Labour Congress, will be available to talk about the impacts of Budget 2022 on workers and their families. Bruske is available to outline how Canada’s unions are looking to the Budget to take concrete steps to strengthen public health care and make life more affordable. “The reality is, not everyone is sharing…
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Media Releases

Canada’s unions welcome long-delayed Ontario child care deal

March 28, 2022
Bruske: As struggling parents heave a sigh of a relief, now we must make sure affordable child care is there for future generations Canada’s unions welcome today’s long-overdue agreement to bring down the costs of child care for Ontario’s inflation-weary parents and celebrate progress toward Canada finally achieving a nation-wide affordable child care system. “This was the last of 13…
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Media Releases

Canada’s unions welcome new health funding – now make it permanent

March 25, 2022
OTTAWA – Bea Bruske, President of the Canadian Labour Congress, made the following statement today on the announcement of $2 billion in new health care funding: “Canada’s unions welcome today’s announcement of new funding to strengthen public health care, including to address backlogs that resulted from the COVID-19 pandemic. This new funding will be critical to helping provinces improve access…
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Media Releases

Canada’s unions welcome landmark agreement between Liberals and New Democrats on a progressive agenda for Canada

March 22, 2022
OTTAWA – Canada’s unions celebrate today’s historic agreement between the Government and the NDP and look forward to vital progress on key issues. “Canada’s unions have long fought for parties to work together and move forward on a progressive policy agenda,” said Bea Bruske, President of the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC). “With today’s agreement, Parliament can now move forward on a…
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Media Releases

Canada’s unions stand with Teamsters union and demand negotiations be allowed to continue

March 21, 2022
OTTAWA – Canada’s unions stand in solidarity with the Teamsters Canada Rail Conference (TCRC) and call for Canadian Pacific Railway (CP) to bargain in good faith. “Canada’s unions stand in solidarity, and in support of the TCRC workers, who play a fundamental role in this country’s supply chain. Teamsters are at the table and are bargaining for a fair deal for workers.…
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Media Releases

IDERD: Fighting racism means looking back as well as looking forward

March 21, 2022
As we mark the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, Canada’s unions are making note of statistics released last week showing a dramatic increase in reported hate crimes. According to Statistics Canada hate crimes targeting race or ethnicity that were reported to police increased by 80 per cent between 2019 and 2020. Notably, hate crimes against East or…
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Media Releases

Canada’s unions: victory laps premature when it comes to jobs numbers

March 11, 2022
Bruske: Wages rising at less than the cost-of-living while workers in some sectors are being left behind OTTAWA – Today’s Statistics Canada Labour Force Survey shows that the overly-rosy picture some claim about the economic recovery doesn’t hold up on closer inspection. Bea Bruske, President of the Canadian Labour Congress points out that the reality facing many Canadian workers is…
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Media Advisories

Canadian Labour Congress’ President Bea Bruske available to react to labour force data

March 10, 2022
OTTAWA –Canada’s unions will be reacting to labour force data to be released by Statistics Canada tomorrow, Friday, March 11, 2022, and are urging analysts to look beyond the top-level numbers to see the full picture. “When you sift below the headlines and talk to people about the labour market, you see a different story about Canada’s economic recovery. There…
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Media Releases

Canada’s unions stand in solidarity with Ukraine and condemn unprovoked Russian aggression

February 24, 2022
OTTAWA–– Bea Bruske, President of the Canadian Labour Congress, released the following statement: “The world is watching with horror as Russia launches an unjustified attack on Ukraine and its people. Canada’s unions condemn this unprovoked act of aggression and stand in solidarity with the people of Ukraine who now face violence, hardship and an uncertain future. “Russia’s military assault will…
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Media Releases

Every worker deserves ten days paid sick leave

February 24, 2022
Bruske: Canada’s unions urge the federal government to work with the premiers to protect our communities by giving every worker access to paid sick leave OTTAWA – On the eve of federal, provincial and territorial labour minister meetings, chaired by Minister Seamus O’Regan, Canada’s unions are urging Canada’s leaders to protect our communities from COVID-19 and other future viruses by…
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Media Releases

Canada’s unions stand with those who stand against hate

February 15, 2022
Communities show how to build solidarity so we can move forward together Bea Bruske, President of the Canadian Labour Congress, released the following statement: “Watching people bravely standing up to harassment and hate during the ongoing occupations has been inspiring. The planned and impromptu organizing happening in our communities over the past week is vital to building a better democracy…
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Media Releases

Joint statement from Canada’s unions on the Ottawa occupation

February 9, 2022
Canada’s unions have fought for generations for the right to protest. This is a cornerstone of our democratic system. But what we have witnessed on the streets of Canada’s capital over the past thirteen days is something different altogether. This is not a protest, it is an occupation by an angry mob trying to disguise itself as a peaceful protest…
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Media Releases

Welcome progress in first 100 days – but much work to do in next 100 weeks

February 2, 2022
Bruske: Government and parliament must roll up their sleeves and get down to work OTTAWA––As we mark the first 100 days of this government tomorrow, Canada’s unions welcome progress made on a number of important issues. But with families reeling from rising prices and the pandemic still running through our communities, too many people are being left without help when…
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Media Releases

Health investments must be tied to stronger public health care

February 1, 2022
Bruske: Increased health transfers must improve public health – not become tax giveaways to people who don’t need it OTTAWA––With our public health systems facing a crisis point, Canada’s unions are demanding that increases to federal health transfers must be tied to delivering better health care to Canadian families. “We see dire shortages of health workers across the country. Long-term…
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Media Releases

Parliament must work with urgency on helping families

January 27, 2022
Bea Bruske: With care systems at a crisis point, runaway costs and a broken social safety net, MPs must get to work on solutions that help families now OTTAWA – While the pandemic rolls on with new disruptions, Canada’s unions are urging Members of Parliament to get down to work on helping struggling families when the House of Commons resumes sitting…
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Media Releases

Ford punishing Ontario parents

January 24, 2022
Bea Bruske: Ford government must stop playing politics and sign child care deal OTTAWA – Canada’s unions are welcoming today’s child care agreement between the federal government and Nunavut. With today’s agreement, Ontario is now the lone province or territory that has failed to agree on a deal to bring affordable child care to families. “Every other jurisdiction in Canada…
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Media Releases

Statement from Bea Bruske on the death of Alexa McDonough

January 15, 2022
Bea Bruske, President of the Canadian Labour Congress, released the following statement today: “It was with great sadness that I learned of the death of Alexa McDonough, a true Canadian political giant. On behalf of Canada’s unions, I extend our sincere condolences to her sons, Justin and Travis, and all the friends and family she leaves behind, who will feel…
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Resilience, Determination and Ambition in 2022

January 12, 2022
By Bea Bruske I think almost everyone can agree 2021 was a rough year. The pandemic we hoped was ending now rolls on with new variants and new disruptions. But in 2021 we also saw some hopeful signs of what’s possible when people work together in common cause. Workers with newfound confidence demanding better. People seeking out jobs that offered…
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Media Releases

Workers and their families need help now

December 22, 2021
More needed to help Canadians amid devastating Omicron wave Bea Bruske, president of the Canadian Labour Congress, is available to speak to media today about the federal government’s Lockdown Benefit and the effect restrictions and business closures are having on workers and their families. In advance of the government’s announcement on December 22, 2021, Bruske said: “Canada’s unions are profoundly…
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Media Releases

Canada’s unions calling for greater protections and supports for migrant workers

December 17, 2021
Canada’s unions are marking International Migrants Day by calling for improved conditions for migrant workers in this country, particularly in the face of the ongoing climate crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic. The recent state of emergency in British Columbia (BC) is the latest example of the clear and increasingly disastrous impacts of our global climate crisis. Communities across the province…
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Media Releases

Canada’s unions welcome progress for seniors, students and First Nations children in fall economic update

December 14, 2021
Bruske: Canada’s unions happy to see support but disappointed unemployed workers and their families left behind OTTAWA – Canada’s unions welcomed today’s commitments to help low-income seniors and students hurting from their pandemic benefits being clawed back and support long-overdue compensation for children who suffered under Canada’s First Nations child welfare system. But the Canadian Labour Congress added unions were…
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Media Releases

Federal government must take immediate action to protect migrant workers from COVID-19

December 10, 2021
The Auditor General released a scathing report yesterday on the alarming lack of protective measures for migrant agricultural workers in Canada. The findings of the report verified the concerns that Canada’s unions have raised repeatedly since the start of the pandemic in March 2020. “We owe a debt of gratitude to the more than 79,000 workers migrant workers who have…
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Media Releases

Canada’s unions: Use fiscal update to reverse seniors’ clawbacks and emergency help for workers

December 9, 2021
Bruske: Parliament must act swiftly to help low-income seniors, the 1.2 million unemployed and the 630K working Canadians who want full-time work but can’t find it With low-income seniors and unemployed workers being left behind, Canada’s unions are demanding the upcoming Economic and Fiscal Update be more than an accounting exercise but instead include a course correction on key issues. “The most vital thing about a country’s…
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Media Releases

Canada’s unions demand government take concrete steps to implement pharmacare in upcoming fiscal update

December 8, 2021
Bruske: January 1, 2022 was supposed to be a universal pharmacare milestone – instead we are poised to mark another year of missed opportunities OTTAWA – Canada’s unions, civil society groups, business and academics wrote to the prime minister today urging the government to use the upcoming Economic and Fiscal Update to take the next step forwards on implementing universal…
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Media Releases

Canada’s unions: We all have an important role to play in ending gender-based violence

December 6, 2021
On December 6th 1989, 14 women were murdered in a horrific act of gender-based violence at Montreal’s École Polytechnique. This tragic event exposed a reality that many already knew and experienced: that gender-based violence is a constant threat to women and gender-diverse people in Canada, fueled by sexism and misogyny. “Here in Canada, we’ve made progress on recognizing gender-based harassment…
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Media Releases

Rank and file union members engage MPs with powerful stories about the need to end seniors’ clawbacks

December 3, 2021
Bruske: Hundreds of union members participated in CLC’s Action Week, telling MPs about low-income seniors being left behind and care workers in desperate need of a break Hundreds of workers have been engaging MPs about the need for swift action to help struggling seniors and better support care workers as Parliament works to end the pandemic and start Canada along…
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Media Releases

Sheryl Burns awarded the 2021 Carol McGregor CLC Disability Rights Award

December 2, 2021
December 3 marks the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, which aims to promote awareness and mobilize support for disability rights issues. On this day, the Canadian Labour Congress recognizes a union member with an award for their disability rights activism. The award is named in honour of Carol McGregor, an outstanding disability rights activist, member of BCGEU/NUPGE and the…
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Media Releases

MPs must listen to workers and take action on a fair recovery that makes life more affordable

November 29, 2021
Canada’s unions are making sure Members of Parliament hear from workers, as they get down to work this week. The Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) is launching Action Week, where workers from across Canada will be directly engaging with MPs about their priorities. “Workers are raising their voices to make sure our elected representatives hear, loud and clear, about the need…
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Media Releases

Canada’s unions welcome federal legislation on paid sick leave and protecting health care workers

November 26, 2021
Bruske: we will keep fighting until every worker in Canada has access to paid sick leave   OTTAWA – Canada’s unions are welcoming today’s announcement of new legislation making 10 days of paid sick leave available for all workers in federally-regulated workplaces as a positive step forward for public health and worker protection. “Paid sick leave saves lives. We thank…
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Media Releases

New worker lockdown benefit fails to benefit workers

November 25, 2021
Liberals miss the mark with new legislation, more needed to help Canadians Canada’s unions are disappointed in the federal government’s proposed legislation, tabled in parliament Wednesday, saying it will only entrench greater inequities and leave vulnerable and marginalized workers behind. “This bill has been conceived so narrowly, it’s not a pivot, it pulls the rug right out from under struggling…
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Media Releases

Parliament must get to work on a recovery that makes life more affordable for workers and their families

November 22, 2021
OTTAWA – Canada’s unions are calling on all parties in our new minority parliament to work together on behalf of workers and their families, starting with action to make life more affordable and help for those being left behind after the cancellation of emergency benefits last month. “The fact is, the crisis is not over for many workers, families and…
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Media Advisories

President Bea Bruske available to speak about Canada’s unions’ priorities for new Parliament

November 19, 2021
With Parliament set to return – amidst rising inflation, stretching family budgets and an uneven economic recovery – Canada’s unions are focused on making sure MPs are ready to get to work on policies that put workers and their families at the heart of Canada’s recovery plans. Bea Bruske, President of the Canadian Labour Congress, is available to speak to…
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Media Releases

Conservatives pushing the same playbook on inflation instead of helping families

November 17, 2021
OTTAWA – With family budgets stretched thin, now is not the time to raise interest rates or cut vital government investments in things like affordable housing, child care and bringing down the cost of medicine, according to Bea Bruske, President of the Canadian Labour Congress. “Conservatives keep pushing the same playbook, time and time again. You can’t solve today’s crisis…
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Media Releases

Government must combat surging cost-of-living with action to raise minimum wage and bring down costs of housing, child care, and medicines

November 16, 2021
OTTAWA – With working people seeing their wages fall behind inflation, and everyday essentially getting more and more expensive, Canadians are looking for urgent action to help. Canada’s unions are looking to parliament’s return next week for measures to make life more affordable, including investments to make housing more affordable, immediate implementation of pharmacare to lower the price of medicines, and agreements…
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Media Releases

Canada’s unions welcome Canada-Alberta affordable child care agreement

November 15, 2021
High costs and lack of affordable spaces plaguing inflation-weary parents from coast-to-coast-to-coast  OTTAWA – Canada’s unions welcome today’s long-delayed child care agreement between Canada and Alberta and thanked all the advocates who have worked so long to make this deal happen. “With workers and their families facing higher costs for just about everything, bringing affordable, public child care within reach…
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Media Releases

Canada’s unions stand in solidarity with New Brunswick public sector workers & call on Premier Higgs to bargain in good faith

November 9, 2021
OTTAWA – Instead of lockouts, back-to-work laws and intimidation tactics, New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs must start bargaining in good faith with striking public sector workers – many who have toiled tirelessly throughout the pandemic on the frontlines. “On behalf of the Canadian Labour Congress, I want to express our solidarity and support to the Canadian Union of Public Employees…
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Media Releases

Government must put the brakes on Bay St. and prevent windfall pandemic payouts

November 3, 2021
OTTAWA – An upcoming announcement from Canada’s banking regulator has the financial sector salivating at the prospect of gargantuan payouts. Analysts predict that the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI) will announce this week that they will relax a ban on dividends and share buybacks. “The banks now want to reward themselves and investors with windfall gains that…
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Media Releases

Workers cannot trust Doug Ford to be a friend

November 2, 2021
Doug Ford has put his corporate buddies ahead of workers every time. Now, he’ll say anything to be re-elected. TORONTO – Today’s minimum wage announcement is another example of how Conservatives start talking friendly about workers when votes are at stake, but Doug Ford’s real record is one of putting corporate insiders first and leaving workers behind. “Behind Doug Ford’s…
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Media Releases

Governments must commit to repairing care economy on global care day

October 29, 2021
Bea Bruske, President of the Canadian Labour Congress, made the following statement for the Global Day of Action for Care. “The reality is, each and every one of us has needed and will need to be cared for.” “Today, Canada’s unions join workers and organizations around the world marking the Global Day of Action for Care.” “We have all seen…
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Media Releases

New cabinet must get to work on building an inclusive and equitable recovery

October 26, 2021
OTTAWA—Bea Bruske released the following statement about the new federal cabinet: “With women so disproportionately impacted by the economic crisis that accompanied the pandemic, it is not enough that Mr. Trudeau appoints a cabinet based on gender parity. The new cabinet must take concrete action to address the significant setbacks to women’s labour force participation over the last 18 months.…
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Media Releases

New Cabinet’s top priority must be strengthening Canada’s care economy

October 25, 2021
This week, the world will mark the Global Day of Action for Care. COVID-19 has devastated families and communities and revealed how care work has been exploited and undervalued. Canada’s unions have written to the Prime Minister to, in the wake of this crisis, direct his new Cabinet to make Canada’s economic recovery equitable and inclusive through real, substantial, and…
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Canadian Labour Congress’ President Bea Bruske available to speak about emergency benefits

October 21, 2021
OTTAWA – President Bea Bruske is available to speak to media today on the urgent need for extending emergency supports to workers affected by the pandemic. EI applications have risen while the Delta variant continues to affect hotspots across the country and supply chains continue to be disrupted. This means it is crucial for the government to immediately extend emergency…
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