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Media Releases

Governments must commit to repairing care economy on global care day

October 29, 2021
Bea Bruske, President of the Canadian Labour Congress, made the following statement for the Global Day of Action for Care. “The reality is, each and every one of us has needed and will need to be cared for.” “Today, Canada’s unions join workers and organizations around the world marking the Global Day of Action for Care.” “We have all seen…
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Media Releases

New cabinet must get to work on building an inclusive and equitable recovery

October 26, 2021
OTTAWA—Bea Bruske released the following statement about the new federal cabinet: “With women so disproportionately impacted by the economic crisis that accompanied the pandemic, it is not enough that Mr. Trudeau appoints a cabinet based on gender parity. The new cabinet must take concrete action to address the significant setbacks to women’s labour force participation over the last 18 months.…
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Media Releases

New Cabinet’s top priority must be strengthening Canada’s care economy

October 25, 2021
This week, the world will mark the Global Day of Action for Care. COVID-19 has devastated families and communities and revealed how care work has been exploited and undervalued. Canada’s unions have written to the Prime Minister to, in the wake of this crisis, direct his new Cabinet to make Canada’s economic recovery equitable and inclusive through real, substantial, and…
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Media Advisories

Canadian Labour Congress’ President Bea Bruske available to speak about emergency benefits

October 21, 2021
OTTAWA – President Bea Bruske is available to speak to media today on the urgent need for extending emergency supports to workers affected by the pandemic. EI applications have risen while the Delta variant continues to affect hotspots across the country and supply chains continue to be disrupted. This means it is crucial for the government to immediately extend emergency…
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Media Releases

Bruske meets Deputy Prime Minister Freeland to discuss help for workers

October 18, 2021
OTTAWA—Bea Bruske, President of the Canadian Labour Congress, and Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland, held a constructive meeting today about the challenges working people are still facing as Canada starts on the long road to an economic recovery. “I want to thank Minister Freeland for a positive discussion. Her government has extended vital support throughout the pandemic…
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Media Releases

SCC ruling a victory for working women

October 15, 2021
Bea Bruske, President of the Canadian Labour Congress, released the following statement on the Supreme Court of Canada’s decision in favour of pay equity rights for registered nurses: “Canada’s unions welcome the decision by the Supreme Court of Canada to uphold the pay equity rights of registered nurses working in for-profit nursing homes. This victory came on the heels of…
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Media Releases

As clock ticks down, Canada’s unions demand government chooses help for people

October 13, 2021
OTTAWA—Canada’s unions are urging the federal government to extend emergency benefits to help workers and their families still struggling through the fourth wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. Canada’s recent Labour Force Survey showed that nearly one and a half million people are still looking for work and total hours worked still lag well below pre-pandemic levels. “Behind the headlines, the…
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Media Releases

Fourth wave means urgent need to extend emergency help for workers

October 7, 2021
Emergency benefits due to expire for workers in next two weeks OTTAWA—With the fourth wave raging in many communities and just two weeks before emergency benefits are cut, Canada’s unions are drawing attention to the urgent need to extend emergency benefits for hundreds of thousands of everyday people still relying on these programs. “We are seeing an uneven jobs recovery…
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Media Releases

Canada’s unions calling for worker-centred pandemic recovery

October 6, 2021
Canada’s unions are marking the World Day for Decent Work on October 7, by calling on the federal government to focus on workers in their pandemic recovery plans and replace lost jobs with better ones “The pandemic has highlighted the existing inequity and precarity in Canada’s job market and shone a light on the pervasiveness of work defined by low…
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Media Releases

Premiers, PM must listen to Canadians on strengthening health care

October 5, 2021
Unconditional health transfers won’t solve problems of LTC abuses, nursing shortages or lack of access to primary care With a new First Ministers’ Meeting date not yet set, Canada’s unions are calling on the Premiers and the Prime Minister to listen to the millions of Canadians demanding that new health care funding actually invests in strengthening our public health care…
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Media Releases

Canadian unions’ support to Haiti

October 4, 2021
Canadian unions have responded to an appeal issued by the Confederation of Public and Private Sector Workers of Haiti, the CTSP, as it aims to respond to the recent devastation wrought by the August 14 earthquake, followed two days later by the impact of tropical storm Grace. The estimated impact at the end of August of this double hit was…
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Media Releases

UN Day for Older Persons: Canada’s unions call for strong supports for seniors

October 1, 2021
Canada’s unions are marking the UN Day for Older Persons by highlighting the need for strong pension plans and social supports to help seniors retire in dignity at the end of their career. Canada’s elderly population is growing: Statistics Canada reports that nearly one in every five Canadians is 65 years of age or older. Nearly one in five current…
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Media Releases

Canada’s unions call on new federal government to prioritize reconciliation ahead of first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

September 29, 2021
Canada’s unions are marking the first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation by strengthening our resolve to fighting for Indigenous rights and justice. “We are committed to working toward reconciliation with First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples and we stand in solidarity with them,” said Bea Bruske, CLC President. “We call on the new federal government to recommit to reconciliation…
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Media Releases

Status quo parliament must not return to the status quo

September 21, 2021
Parliament must get to work on key issues facing workers OTTAWA – Canada’s unions congratulate Justin Trudeau and the Liberal Party on their re-election and offer to work with the government and Parliamentarians from all parties on building a pandemic recovery that addresses the critical challenges facing workers and their families. “Canadians have spoken, and their message is clear: it’s…
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Media Releases

Time for workers and their families to make their voices heard

September 20, 2021
Volunteers from all parts of the labour movement are knocking on doors across the country today, tirelessly getting workers and their families to cast their ballots today for a pandemic economic recovery with working people at its heart. “We are sprinting to the finish line today. Our teams of volunteers are working the phones, texting friends and neighbours, knocking on…
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Media Releases

Next federal government must deliver for workers

September 18, 2021
Pandemic recovery must be built on investments that improve the lives of all Canadians Canada may very well be headed for another minority government and Canada’s unions want the new federal government elected on Monday to hit the ground running and deliver on promises made over the course of election campaign. Elected officials from all stripes must commit to working…
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Media Releases

Canada’s unions united with nurses in demanding urgent government action

September 17, 2021
OTTAWA – As the pandemic strains Canada’s public health care systems, nurses are sounding the alarm that urgent action is needed by all levels of government to fix Canada’s nursing crisis. The Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions and provincial nurses’ unions across Canada are holding a National Day of Action today, making sure our health care system is top of mind…
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Media Releases

O’Toole another Conservative who would put our public health care system at risk

September 16, 2021
With the pandemic pushing provinces to the brink, a federal Conservative government would put Canada’s public health care system in jeopardy. OTTAWA – Health care systems are on the brink. Alberta is witnessing 1,500 new cases a day and rising while their health care system is on the verge of collapse. Saskatchewan saw a record 506 new cases. Cases are spiking…
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Media Advisories

Conservative O’Toole would mean low-wage recovery that leaves workers behind

September 15, 2021
Service workers see average wages rise paltry 59 cents during the pandemic, less than a bag of potatoes has gone up Sales and service workers have seen wages rise only 59 cents on average – less than price a bag of potatoes has gone up – since the pandemic struck. There are still nearly 300,000 more unemployed than in February…
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Media Releases

CLC President Bea Bruske: Vote to make sure working moms aren’t left behind

September 14, 2021
Bruske joins group of prominent women demanding all parties make affordable, accessible child care for all a priority  OTTAWA—On today’s National Day of Action for early learning and child care, Canadian Labour Congress president, Bea Bruske, joined fifty prominent women and co-signed a letter demanding all candidates and parties commit to accessible and affordable child care for all. “I am proud…
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Media Releases

Child care is on the ballot this election

September 14, 2021
On today’s National Day of Action for affordable quality, accessible, inclusive child care for all, Canada’s unions stand in solidarity with early learning and child care workers and advocates. “We support a publicly funded, universally accessible and affordable early learning and child care system. Without affordable child care, even more women will be pushed out of the labour market,” said…
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Media Releases

Canada’s unions stand with hospital workers

September 13, 2021
Canada’s unions are standing in solidarity with hospital workers amid anti-vaccine protests being held in front of hospitals across the country. “Hospital staff across Canada have been working tirelessly throughout the pandemic, providing essential care and helping to keep our communities safe. Protesting vaccine mandates in front of hospitals where workers are providing life-saving care and some patients are fighting…
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Media Releases

O’Toole’s conservative plan risks setting women back

September 13, 2021
Erin O’Toole poses threat to years of hard-fought gains for working women Women have been pushed to the economic sidelines by the pandemic but Erin O’Toole’s plan risks making things even worse, according to Bea Bruske, President of the Canadian Labour Congress. “Lack of child care during the pandemic forced a lot of women to the economic sidelines while others…
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Media Releases

New job numbers show there’s work to be done on economic recovery

September 10, 2021
Anemic wage growth in Canada as some workers get left behind Canada’s unions are raising the alarm, warning that Statistics Canada’s Labour Force Survey shows signs that the economic recovery is uneven, wage growth for low-paid workers remains weak, and some groups are being left behind. “In the US, wages of lower-skilled workers have begun to rise, but wage growth…
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Media Releases

O’Toole on the defensive over his plan to cut billions from child care, end emergency support for workers

September 9, 2021
During the French debate last night, Conservative leader Erin O’Toole was on the defensive over his vow to tear up child care agreements with the provinces and cut billions from child care just when parents need them most. “For many women, the lack of child care during the pandemic was a key reason they were forced out of the labour…
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Media Releases

Conservatives’ fiscal costing leaves critical question unanswered: what will Erin O’Toole cut to balance the budget?

September 8, 2021
OTTAWA-The Conservatives released their fiscal costing, but still claim they’ll achieve unrealistic growth while magically reducing future spending – leaving a giant hole in their fiscal program. At the same time, Conservatives admitted they’ll cut billions from our social safety net by tearing up child care agreements. “The Conservatives’ swiss-cheese fiscal plan leaves voters with more questions than answers. Erin…
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Media Releases

O’Toole would build a social safety net out of hot air

September 8, 2021
Conservatives release platform costing, but Canadians already have the tally on broken Conservative promises. Canada’s unions are warning that a huge fiscal hole in Erin O’Toole’s platform and proposals that leave workers behind would put Canada’s already weakened social safety net at risk. Experts have been pointing to how the Conservatives’ unrealistic growth projections create a gigantic fiscal gap in…
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Media Releases

What O’Toole isn’t telling you: Conservative health care promises made to be broken

September 7, 2021
Erin O’Toole’s fiscal plan and promises to balance the budget in ten years doesn’t add up, and that could mean Conservative cuts to health care and vital public services. “Mr. O’Toole’s message discipline is admirable, but experts are lining up to say his promises simply don’t add up,” said Bea Bruske, president of the Canadian Labour Congress. “Erin O’Toole is…
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Media Releases

Bea Bruske: Put working families at the heart of Canada’s recovery

September 6, 2021
OTTAWA – Bea Bruske, President of the Canadian Labour Congress released the following statement on Labour Day: “Over the past eighteen months, workers and their families have faced unprecedented challenges from a pandemic and fiscal crisis. “Parents faced the pressure of working from home while dealing with their kids’ schooling. Workers faced the anxiety of being thrown out of work…
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Media Releases

O’Toole’s dangerous economics risks cuts to health care and services people rely on

August 31, 2021
Conservative leader Erin O’Toole began his day threatening Canadians with a return to spending cuts, putting health care and other vital public services at risk. “Erin O’Toole is now scaremongering about debt and deficits – a page right out of the classic Conservative playbook. This always leads to healthcare cuts, longer wait times, and fewer nurses and doctors,” said Bruske.…
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Media Releases

Canada’s unions release ad reminding working Canadians Erin O’Toole is dangerous

August 31, 2021
OTTAWA − Canada’s unions are pushing back against Erin O’Toole’s claims around supporting working Canadians with a video containing hard-hitting truths about O’Toole’s real record of letting down workers. “We have seen his rhetoric around supporting working people. But when you look at his record, you start seeing the real O’Toole,’ said Bea Bruske, president of the Canadian Labour Congress.…
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Media Releases

Bruske: Uber’s flex work proposal would continue to fail to protect gig workers

August 30, 2021
Bea Bruske, President of the Canadian Labour Congress, released the following statement about Uber’s “Flexible Work” proposal: “Nobody goes to work asking for more insecurity and vulnerability, but that’s what Uber is offering their workers. These workers are being asked by a giant multinational to give away their rights as employees, and that’s wrong. “This raises the question of whose…
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Media Releases

Record bank profits reveals pandemic’s economic winners and losers

August 25, 2021
Today, RBC and the National Bank released their third-quarter profits, which came in at $4.3 and $2.3 billion, up from $3.2 billion and $2.0 billion in the same quarter last year, respectively. These immense profits made by Canada’s largest financial institutions are yet another example of how Canada’s wealthiest individuals and corporations have benefitted from the pandemic, while so many…
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Media Releases

Bruske welcomes NDP commitment to end profiteering off of seniors’ care

August 24, 2021
ST. JOHN’S – Canadian Labour Congress president Bea Bruske made the following statement today: “Decades of cuts and privatization in the long-term care sector have had tragic consequences during this crisis. “Early in the pandemic, long-term care homes accounted for four out of every five COVID-19 related deaths in Canada. In Ontario, the Commission into long-term care said for-profit companies…
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Media Releases

Canadian Labour Congress President Bea Bruske demands worker-centred recovery

August 24, 2021
Bruske in St. John’s East to canvass in support of candidate Mary Shortall President Bea Bruske launched the Canadian Labour Congress’ election tour in St. John’s today calling on voters to back candidates who support a recovery focused on workers. She was joined by the Newfoundland and Labrador Federation of Labour to canvass in support of St. John’s East New…
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Media Releases

Statement on Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination

August 24, 2021
The COVID-19 crisis is not over. COVID-19 is not the seasonal flu. It is much more deadly and has inflicted far greater damage on our health system, our economy, our livelihoods and the individual health of Canadians. Canada’s unions strongly support vaccination against COVID-19 for every Canadian that can be vaccinated. Science has demonstrated that vaccinations – alongside other measures…
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Media Releases

O’Toole speaks out of both sides of his mouth on pensions

August 24, 2021
Conservative O’Toole spent career defending large corporations, can workers trust him now to stand up to his Bay St. buddies? Erin O’Toole’s pensions announcement today is long on rhetoric about concern for workers, but short on real answers to helping workers and pensioners in need. “Mr. O’Toole and the Conservatives’ platform doesn’t say if workers and pensioners will come before…
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Media Releases

O’Toole’s rhetoric cannot hide his record of hurting workers

August 23, 2021
Erin O’Toole has proven time and again he is no friend of working Canadians Erin O’Toole’s policy announcement today was short on details and left more questions than answers. Canadians are left asking: • Would worker representatives have the same rights and powers as the other Board directors? • Will they have access to all the same financial and corporate…
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Media Releases

Canadian workers to political leaders: it’s high time for paid sick leave

August 20, 2021
Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) President Bea Bruske welcomes the Liberal party’s election commitment to introduce 10 paid days of sick leave for workers falling under federal jurisdiction. Canada’s unions have been calling for paid sick leave from the earliest days of the pandemic. “Access to paid sick days reduces the spread of COVID and helps workers who keep our economy…
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Media Releases

Hidden in Conservative platform: An attack on public pensions and EI

August 19, 2021
Conservatives would relegate gig workers to second-class citizens in Canada’s workforce OTTAWA – Hidden in Erin O’Toole’s Conservative policy platform is a kick in the teeth for the retirement and job security of gig workers. “Conservatives have a policy plan that includes a blatant attack on public pensions. They would permanently relegate gig workers to second-class status in Canada’s workforce,”…
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Media Releases

All parties in this pandemic election should agree on one big issue – national pharmacare

August 16, 2021
By Beatrice Bruske, Doug Roth and Linda Silas On August 11th, the federal and Prince Edward Island governments signed an agreement to improve the list of drugs available on PEI public plans and “accelerate work to implement pharmacare.” Islanders will surely benefit. But we need to make sure the final outcome is indeed a universal pharmacare program. This would mean…
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Media Releases

Canada’s unions say federal election promises must centre on better jobs and strengthening social safety net

August 15, 2021
Canada’s unions are calling on all federal parties to ensure that workers are front and centre in their election platforms for the future prosperity of the nation. With the federal election now underway, ensuring workers aren’t left behind in the recovery must be a key issue, said Bea Bruske, president of the Canadian Labour Congress. “We have weathered this pandemic…
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Media Releases

Canada’s unions welcome certification of Uber class action

August 12, 2021
The Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) welcomes today’s decision from the Ontario Superior Court of Justice in favour of Uber drivers seeking legal recognition of their status as drivers. Uber drivers successfully petitioned the court to certify a class action on behalf of all Uber drivers and delivery workers who submit they are employees misclassified as independent contractors. “All workers should…
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Media Releases

Canada’s unions encouraged by continued job market recovery but urge parties to stay focused on the long road ahead

August 6, 2021
Canada’s unions are calling on elected leaders to stay focused on running the economy hot, allowing a high-pressure economy to fuel demand for labour and boost wages. While Statistics Canada’s latest job numbers for July demonstrate another strong month for job gains, achieving pre-pandemic measures of employment and unemployment would only return Canada to the highly unequal, and for many,…
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Media Advisories

Job numbers show pandemic’s hardest hit continue to struggle most

July 9, 2021
Canada’s unions are raising the alarm that hundreds of thousands of workers are facing cutbacks to pandemic supports, while the job market remains far from recovery. “Our biggest concern is those workers who are at risk of dropping out of the labour market altogether. “Many workers are just giving up because they can’t find work, or because a lack of…
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Media Advisories

Canada’s unions elect new leaders to help chart a hopeful post-pandemic future for workers

June 18, 2021
(Ottawa – June 18, 2021) Nearly 4,000 delegates at the Canadian Labour Congress’ 29th Constitutional Convention today elected Officers to lead the organization until 2023. The Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) is Canada’s major umbrella organization of national unions, provincial federations of labour and local labour councils and represents over three million workers. Bea Bruske from United Food and Commercial Workers…
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Media Releases

Head of Canada’s unions set to preside over his final Convention after navigating pandemic response

June 15, 2021
Nearly 4,000 delegates poised to elect new leadership OTTAWA – This week, union members from across the country are meeting online for the Canadian Labour Congress’ triennial convention to debate the labour movement’s priorities and to elect new leadership. The Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) is Canada’s major umbrella organization of national unions, provincial federations of labour and local labour councils and…
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Canada should crack down on tax evasion and put that revenue to good use

May 20, 2021
By Hassan Yussuff Buried in the government’s 724-page federal budget is an important commitment that has yet to receive its fair share of praise: the promise to increase corporate transparency and crack down on tax evasion and money laundering. Taken on its own, the budget’s promise to create a “public beneficial ownership registry” does not mean much to the average…
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Media Releases

Back-to-work legislation undermines workers’ rights

April 29, 2021
The Canadian Labour Congress is condemning the Government of Canada’s decision to introduce back-to-work legislation against workers at the Port of Montreal. There is a cruel irony that this legislation is being introduced on the National Day of Mourning for workers who have been injured or lost their lives on the job. The work of unions to strengthen protections of…
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National Day of Mourning: the human cost of COVID-19

April 28, 2021
By Hassan Yussuff as published in The Hamilton Spectator Every year, workers and their families come together on April 28, the National Day of Mourning, to mourn those lost to workplace illness and injuries. This year, Canada’s unions are shining a light on the human cost of the COVID-19 pandemic.  The enduring call to “Mourn the Dead; Fight for the…
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Media Releases

Top five labour demands ahead of upcoming federal budget

April 16, 2021
OTTAWA – Canada’s unions are calling on the federal government to focus on the country’s social safety net in its budget to be released Monday, prioritizing five key demands. “The devastating effects of the pandemic were made worse by years of austerity by successive governments,” said Hassan Yussuff, President of the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC). “As a result of cuts, the…
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Media Releases

Latest job numbers encouraging but a lot rides on federal job investments

April 9, 2021
OTTAWA – Canada’s unions are calling on the federal government to create more than one million jobs in the upcoming budget, pointing to today’s job numbers as further evidence of the need for expanded investments. Statistics Canada released its latest Labour Force Survey today. It shows that more than 1.5 million unemployed and under-employed workers continue to struggle to find work,…
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Media Releases

Canada’s unions urge Conservatives to join with government and opposition parties to swiftly pass EI extension

March 11, 2021
Canada’s unions are calling on the federal Conservatives to stop unnecessary procedural delays and political posturing and join with the government and opposition parties to extend EI benefits. Members of Parliament are currently debating Bill C-24, which would extend EI benefits, currently set to begin expiring at the end of March, by another 24 weeks, or into the fall. “Politicians…
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Media Releases

Canada’s unions welcome extension of EI and recovery benefits

February 19, 2021
Canada’s unions welcome the extension to income supports announced by the federal government today as a necessary step towards providing further financial security to those who need it. The government announced 12-week extensions for both the Canada Recovery Benefit (CRB) and the Canada Recovery Caregiving Benefit (CRCB), as well as an additional 24 weeks of eligibility for Employment Insurance. “This will…
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Too many people are struggling to pay for their medications

February 19, 2021
By Hassan Yussuff, Doug Roth, Linda Silas, as published in Toronto Star   A silent health crisis is looming as more people struggle to pay for their prescription drugs. Even before the pandemic, the statistics were staggering. About 7.5 million citizens—one in five Canadians—either did not have prescription drug insurance or had inadequate insurance to cover their medication needs. One…
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Media Releases

Canada’s unions are warning federal government of looming ‘benefits cliff’

February 18, 2021
Canada’s unions are calling on the federal government to extend income support for unemployed workers until at least the end of 2021 or they will soon face a ‘benefits cliff’. The numbers of workers who are currently facing the prospect of an end to their benefits this March are staggering: 844,000 workers were receiving the Canada Recovery Benefit in late…
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Media Releases

Health and labour groups aligned in push for universal access to prescription drugs

February 16, 2021
Heart & Stroke, Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) and Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions (CFNU) have teamed up to raise the urgency of a national pharmacare plan. The groups have launched a campaign calling on Canadians to tell the federal government that Canada deserves #PharmacareNow. Heart & Stroke, CLC and CFNU are working together for the first time around a shared…
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Media Releases

Latest job numbers point to need for urgent extension of EI benefits and job retraining

February 5, 2021
OTTAWA – Canada’s unions are urgently calling on the federal government to extend EI and recovery benefits along with increasing support for skills retraining as workers continue to struggle with rising unemployment. Following higher than expected job losses at the end of 2020, workers faced another large drop in employment, with 213,000 jobs lost last month. “We’ve lost the small…
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Media Releases

Canada’s unions welcome new terrorist listings for far-right white supremacist groups

February 3, 2021
OTTAWA – Canada’s unions welcome today’s announcement by the federal government that it has added four violent, far-right extremist groups to its list of terrorist organizations. The Proud Boys, the Base, Atomwaffen, and the Russian Imperial Movement have been listed as terrorist entities. This means that these groups can no longer raise money or organize. “These groups are a direct…
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Labour and anti-hate activists must unite to confront white supremacy

January 28, 2021
By Hassan Yussuff and Bernie M. Farber, as published in Toronto Star January 27 2021 As civil society leaders, we have individually and together advanced workers’ rights and inclusive communities. Despite the passage of years, we find ourselves once again facing down a familiar threat: white supremacy and far-right extremism. In fact, we both happened to reconnect by phone on…
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Media Releases

EI for the 21st Century

January 22, 2021
Canada’s Employment Insurance (EI) program is falling short. Over the past year, the shortcomings of the program have become all the more clear. EI needs to be reformed to match the current reality of the world of work. Read our recommendations for EI reform here.
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Media Releases

End-of-year unemployment data shows need for continued support for workers

January 8, 2021
“Even as the vaccine roll-out begins, we can see that the tough times aren’t behind us yet,” said Canadian Labour Congress President Hassan Yussuff. “The end-of-year unemployment data remind us that strong government support continues to be a vital lifeline for workers and their families who are struggling through the economic shock of the pandemic.” The December Labour Force Survey,…
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Media Releases

Canada’s unions call for pathway to permanent residency for all migrant workers

December 18, 2020
Canada’s unions are marking International Migrants Day by calling on the federal government to offer a pathway to permanent residency to all migrant workers who wish to apply. The federal government recently announced that it will be accepting applications for permanent residence from refugee claimants working in the healthcare sector. This important announcement recognizes the crucial contributions refugee workers have…
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Media Releases

Canada’s unions welcome federal government commitments on climate change

December 11, 2020
OTTAWA – Coming on the heels of the government’s climate accountability legislation, today’s 2030 climate emissions reduction plan contains significant announcements for working people. Expanded investments in energy efficiency, conservation and large-scale retrofitting of residential and commercial structures will create significant numbers of new jobs and require expanded investments in skills training and growing Canada’s construction trades. Green and climate-resilient…
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Media Releases

Latest job numbers signal bleak winter ahead

December 4, 2020
OTTAWA – Canada’s unions are raising the alarm that many workers are facing a bleak winter of unemployment and under-employment with no immediate relief in sight. November’s labour force survey released today by Statistics Canada showed high rates of long-term unemployment. A total of 1.5 million people are currently unemployed and looking for work; 400,000 have been without work for…
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Media Releases

Darryl Flasch – Winner of the 2020 Carol McGregor CLC Disability Rights Award

December 3, 2020
Every year on December 3, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, the Canadian Labour Congress will recognize a union member for their disability rights activism. This award is named in honour of Carol McGregor, an outstanding disability rights activist, member of BCGEU/NUPGE and the CLC Disability Rights Working Group―and who was much loved by all those who worked with…
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Media Releases

Fiscal update’s emphasis on investments will spare Canadians further economic hardship and spur recovery

November 30, 2020
Canada’s unions say the federal government’s fiscal update will help the nation’s workers weather current health and economic hardships through the pandemic. Today’s update extends critical income support and economic measures to help Canadians and businesses. While today’s commitments on key priorities remain modest and reflect past promises, the government has signalled it will make further investments as the recovery…
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Media Advisories

Canada’s unions to respond to federal government’s fiscal update

November 27, 2020
Canada’s unions will be responding to the federal government’s Economic and Fiscal Snapshot, scheduled for Monday, November 30. Canada’s unions have been calling for targeted federal investments to help workers and their families get through the pandemic and to ensure a swift economic rebound and recovery. Hassan Yussuff, President of the Canadian Labour Congress, will be available to comment once…
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Media Releases

Canada’s unions say slowing job recovery necessitates urgent government intervention

November 6, 2020
Canada’s job growth is showing signs of slowdown and Canada’s unions are calling on the federal government to quickly lay out its plan to stem long-term unemployment. The latest figures from this morning’s release of Statistics Canada’s Labour Force Survey demonstrates a weakening jobs rebound. The survey showed a slowing recovery, with employment rising just 0.5 percent in October, a…
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